Thursday, January 14, 2010

Playing With Food


The multi layers & experiences of Uber Dank food is where it really really gets fun. As I make sweet potato lentil soup I have a hand full of ingredients I know I am going to work with, that all get mixed in at different points in the creation of the soup. The cutting of onion, a certain size based on its roll in the soup, how it will be cooked etc. The extra cook time of the onion being the only ingredient to be first sautéed in the bottom of a pan with only oil. Then the other ingredients come in, right at their ;perfect time. About 2 hours after the initial beginning of the soup, it is time to add the spices, flavorings & essences to the soup. I like to save many of the flavors until very close to completion of the soup as their flavors are best tasted from that much cooking exposure. For example in many dishes I prefer to add the garlic at the very end as it will be a different garlic taste than if it were added half way through or even sautéed with the onions at the beginning.

The soup comes out to be a unique variation of the original inspiration for this soup. Instead of a curry flavor palate it becomes a herb based flavor. The thyme, sage, rosemary go perfect with the rosemary bread I just took out of the oven to go with the soup. The addition of garlic, red pepper flakes, and paprika give it that soup kick and contrast. The additions of the carrots, celery, & sweet potatoes mostly serve to create a rich flavor rich soup broth after being stewed in their own juices.


Food Alchemy Coaching Vision Statement
“I am not here to share simple recipes. I am here to share the awareness, ability & art of cooking so that recipes (the preparation of food) BECOME EASY. When this place is realized an awareness then an ability flowing through as an art in the form of cooking becomes state of being.”
This of course also translates into not just easy but Uber Dank food! =D>


As I bake the bread that I bake I am using a starter. A starter is a living wheat & water life form. I feed it on a daily basis, I keep it warm not to warm, I let it sleep & exercise, it gets really alive & it goes into hibernation.

When I use this starter in my bread it is serving as the yeast in packets that is commonly used for bread. However instead of a packet of powder from a factory I have a living culture that has been growing in my home, bed (as in this cold house with no heating turned on I sleep with it in a blanket to keep it activated) taking it on day trips, weekend trips, warming in by the fire, heating bricks to bundle up with it when need be. So I take that and use it INSTEAD of the packet, then I mix it with other ingredients for the bread. Then I let those ingredients harmonize with each other, the starter activating the loaf it self, opening the life force stored within those wheat berries, in powder form (Flour). Thus changing the proteins, altering the gluten making it much more utilizable.

After the loaf itself evolves into a new existence I place it in cold climates to slow the process thus getting a really long slow altering affect. The flavor of the flour itself changes, also absorbing other flavors I may have added to the loaf itself such as rosemary or walnuts. As you take in these factors that are happening to the bread in this process the realization of how magical this bread is becoming clear. The flavors enhanced, ripened, opened. The consistency & structure of the flour itself upgraded. Then as it gets put into the oven the spring in the bread, its ability to be soft, firm, full, & flavorful all at once. It all comes together to be birthed as bread.

All of these factors come into being for this one loaf of bread. Not to mention all the factors of the temperature of my house or the environment I have as this bread is nurtured. The places I may be or time I might be sleeping. As the bread and starter require certain temperatures for certain amounts of time to become what they come. the dances we have become many. If I am in Austin for 2 days I either must nurture the starter the whole time feeding it and providing a proper climate or I must put it into hibernation thus making it inactive for a certain amount of days before being strong enough to make bread again. Any brad that I want must be planned at least 24 hours ahead of time as the short end of a bread process is 24 from combination of starter & flower to bread. If there is to be many breads made there must be plenty of starter to activate all the loafs.
~Enjoying food~
So love the process of eating right now. I am sitting down on the couch to candle light. With a pot of fresh Uber Dank sweet potato lentil garden herb soup, with bread just out of the oven flavored rosemary to match the soup. Two glasses of port 1 of a new port and one of the last bits of my old port that I quite like so as I can compare and decide on next buy which I prefer.

Many moments to share in the enjoyment of food this new years day Sweet Potato Heaven Uber Dank. A story that I have to share from this day concerning the detail & awareness of food is this.
I asked a friend if he had tried the Sweet Potato Curry Magic. He said “yes”. I said “did you have it with the toppings?” He said” no”. I said “then you did not have it for I designed every level of flavor in that
curry with this quantity of toppings involved”. So I gave him a bite. His response was AHHHHHHHH *smile*

This to me is my relationship with food & why sharing in such food can launch a whole new level in the enjoyment of food. For not only every flavor, but the amount, when they are added & what they are added with change the subtle flavors of the food. That’s why a French fry can be good but a sweet potato French fry with potatoes from the garden with pesto cream sauce, chipotle mayo or cranberry jalapeño sauce is a whole different thing.

This provides so much opportunity for awareness while in the food prep process. So much opportunity to taste the evolution of the food & the layers of flavor depths. The more enjoyment received from an experience is a worthwhile upgrade to me!

~Food on the Road~

I have been out near Lufkin Texas building an Earthship for days now. There aren’t any health food stores here nor are there interesting quality restaurants. For me though it doesn’t matter! While people are eating out of Styrofoam to go containers full of corn beef & hash or biscuits & gravy I am eating sweet potato humus on kale leafs. While everyone is shopping at walmart I am digging through my cooler full of super food balls, raw nuts, dried fruits, spriulina & other tasty super foods. When we all go out to eat at dinner people are spending $25+ for a meal while I still have yet to go to a restaurant that makes more tasty food than I.

This is all comparisons of course. There is not about right or wrong, just observation that stands out a lot for me. Again & again my relationship with food serves me very well in convenience, money savings, health & enjoyment. Its so easy to bring food wherever I go, I can eat any time & of foods that I really want to be putting into my body. My 3 nick names this trip so far are Uber Dank because some people got to try my Sweet Potato Lentil Soup, plaster master & Mighty Quinn.

~Sweet Potato Dankness~

Our next Uber Dank is in process. “Sweet Potato Dankness” in continuation of all our mighty sweet potatoes from this falls harvest. We have the menu up on it is sure to be another opportunity for me to PLAY WITH FOOD & for everyone present to really really enjoy eating food. I love the group of people that come together for each UD as its an important alchemy in the process.


As I was making a Sweet Potato Chipotle Soup for Uber Dank tomorrow, I was re creating a soup that I had made once before for an art show sampling. Because I was RE creating the dish I was trying to think what the recipe was, I looked for the recipie I thought I had written down but could not find it. After spending a few minutes pondering how I was to re create this soup, I finally thought I will just make it anew! As soon as I aligned with creating the soup with the two key flavors of Chiptole & Sweet Potato all the ingredients I wanted in the soup just came to me.
This is a perfect example of why I love to create every dish from an inspired moment instead of a recipie. For when I get in touch with the essence of the dish I am making all the extra ingredients just make them selfs known! As soon as I let go of trying to make a dish I had made before the ingredients that went with sweet potatoes and chipotle were obvious. (its 1:23 btw ;-)> )
I love this soup. It can be eaten hot or cold its totally vegan & it utilizes sweet potatoes in yet another way! I take baked sweet potatoes put them in a blender with coconut milk, lime, ginger, sautéed onions, salt, pepper, & of course chipotle. I then can serve it hot or cold depending on if its hot or cold outside topped with fresh cilantro. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

~Danking Up Uber Dank~

So Uber Dank Sweet Potato Dankness was last night. While there was lots of feasting on the dankness going around we have plenty of food today to continue our own special feasting pleasures into the week. Because I love to continually evolve the foods that I prepare & eat as I started to enjoy the leftovers today the evolution started to take place. First I had some of the sweet potato spiced pie. It was just so freaking uber dank I was ready for it first thing. I warmed it up & put it on sliced bananas with a chocolate peanut butter spice topping & a scoop of homemade vanilla ice cream. It was so freaking tasty it became my whole meal! MMMMMMMMMMM
I just got finished eating a loaf of foccacia bread baked with sautéed onions & kalamata olives. I added sliced avocado, goat cheese & tomato to it for a very glorious meal.

~Gem Show Vortex Dankness~

So we are going to be in Tucson AZ for 2 weeks catering a hotel at the Tucson Gem & Mineral Show! It is one of the largest if not largest gem/mineral/stone/crystal events in the world. There are hundreds of thousands of people that come to partake. It takes up most of the whole city filling all restaurants, hotels, motels, camp sites, rented houses & more.

There are vendors as well as buyers from all over the world as many of the stones/rocks/minerals only have been found in certain geographical locations. Millions of Dollars are being exchanged as well as lots & lots of interaction.
I can feel the vortex of enhancement already speeding up life's process. So many people to meet & exchange with. So much opportunity being realized & integrated.
This will be fun as we will have a large client base & very basic accommodations. To see how we manage to get all the food prepped & served will be fun! This is another great opportunity to play with food & share in the love of it. We will be coming up with perfect high vibe vortex food for the event changing the menu daily.
Wow So much opportunity to play with food while providing Uber Dank to the Tucson Gem Show!

It has been such a pleasure to share this deep level of enjoyment in conscious food. I love how happily people embrace sustainable eating practices when the space is held & supported.

I feel so good about the realities we chose to uphold while engaging this experience as food Angels. Food Angels is one of the names we have been given as we bless with Uber Dankness of the heavens. Because we are showing up so present & in tune with what is important, many powerful experiences are being shared.

We took boxes of glass/pottery plates, bowls & cups to serve all the dankness on. We took boxes of cookie tins & other re usable quality serving dishes. The deal we present to all who wish to be served Uber Dank Cuisine is that one provides ones own non disposable dish or put a deposit down on one of ours to be refunded upon return of dish. We charge a $2 deposit on all plates/cups/bowls. Either one keeps it for the duration of the show, trades it in for a new one on a new day of food or returns it after being done with. This has felt so good not only to support non disposable food dispensing but to also bring to the table awareness of how one participates in the process. I feel much awareness being brought forth through this process for all involved. It is really so profound to be part of such an experience. To have someone show up and really hold conscious intense space for something so commonly over looked. Not only did we save hundreds of disposables from the trash but we also shared the possibility of using non disposable dishes for normally disposable meals. I love the idea of one day people having tupper ware with them as they pick up to go food, or fast food. Of people choosing to use re usable dishes for their catering services or parties. I love the idea of places like whole food delis selling re usable container stacks for all of their deli foods, then taking exchanges of dishes for new orders, or taking deposits for the containers to be refunded upon return of dish. It would be so easy to take a metal container from a deli and return it the next time one buys, or to just bring ones own to receive food in. The real difference is in the change of choice, in the upgrade of standards and normalcy’s. I think many people just have the idea that disposables are normal or that they are so much easier when really its so easy to just have a cup with you in the car when you pick up coffee before work, to have a cup at the desk to get coffee at the office. To have a set of dishes at work to get ones lunch on, that are just washed and left there. To then have Tupper ware in the car to pick up food on the way home for dinner or lunch the next day. Restaurants, delis and such could even provide the washing service in exchange for buying and exchanging containers there.
It’s a simple change in priorities, in routine, in normalcy’s that implement such huge profound changes in every day life. Thus launching huge world impacts with common daily activities.

Our cookie tins were really fun because they all had different pictures, were different sizes, shapes and colors. We would sometimes put plates inside the big tins then just take the plate out upon delivery or fill smaller tins for to go, or delivery orders of various foods. They kept food contained, were easily stored, stacked & used. Its also a great way to put something to use that abundantly available.

One of our sayings while providing the dankness has been food worth eating. We encourage people to buy food from us if they are going to be buying food anyways. The food we provide is not only Uber Dank but its made in consciousness, in a sustainable way, great value, & loving process. We feel its food really worth eating & supporting us integrates such realities into being. We offered a 100% money back guarantee on all of our food as we felt it was the best food that could be bought. I believe it is possible for a passionate food preparer to to make ones self a dish that is deeply satisfying for a cheaper price however if one is going to buy food or just does not really love the process of making food our food will be the best that can be bought at Tucon Gem Show. If its not really worth eating at the price charged we will happily refund the full cost as we do not want anyone eating anything but food that is a process of fulfilled enjoyment! We did not have one refund the whole show, but had lots of smiles and MY GOD THIS IS GOOD experiences ;-)

I am in such appreciation for this opportunity to play with food and to share it with so many. I felt we really provided a service of great importance and enjoyment. I felt so good about the people that took part in this experience for they played such an important roll in this event. It seemed that the people that were really enjoying them self while also having high standards of normalcy are the ones who bought from us.

It was funny because we really wanted to keep the menu simple so we could be efficient and utilize our time well but we just loved providing an array of tasting opportunity! We would often have 8 plus choices of tasty treats and drinks. There would often be more dishes that people wanted that they could even try. We would then be changing the menu to keep it new and fresh but some of the dishes of the days before were so good that people would request repeats.

Some of the favorites were the Sweet potato lentil soup. Vegan, wheat free, chocolate, peanut butter, coconut spice, oatmeal cookies, spring rolls, rice noodle salad, pumpkin spice bread, chai, pita hummus wraps, 4 caramel (caramel, caramel spice, peanut butter caramel, & chocolate caramel) caramelized apples, chocolate bliss, raw nut pâté and our many variations of Salad Dankness.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Day to Day, Now to Now. The Infinte Dance Of Life

I haven’t been writing since my return from the sea, as I have been so engaged in the many realities bursting into being since my return. I am so present now that if I write if I do & if I don’t, I don’t.

I really did appreciate though the writing of the days out at sea, highlighting the process, sharing the beauty, the focus of experience. I want to write more often of this experience of life so I begin now. There is just so so so much joy & wonder to be. There is so much opportunity for fulfillment & expansion. The universe is so abundant & unlimited that right now I am free to be as being is, then shift at any time to what is now. The universe provides so abundantly that as long as I am in connection all that I need is provided.

This all makes for a very exciting, expansive, creative experience. For as I desire, opportunity is provided, as expansion occurs change blasts forth in manifestation of adventure in many forms.

The journey at sea had so many levels of potent experience. Yet now here I am only getting 1 day of sun since my return! It has been sunny quite a few days but not enough so to take off my cloths & bask in it as I so love. Yet this is also just a new now, so much opportunity here as well.

I have done 3 art shows in the last 5 days & quite enjoyed it. I got my first printing of the Cortez journey made & received 2 days before my first show of the week. I have framed some, made my own frames for many, made post cards wall art & a new genius inspired creation of sustainability & beauty. This creation is a piece of handmade paper with a print sowed onto the paper in the middle with string over the corners of the photo so that the print itself is not punctured. Then on the back side, attach a handmade envelope the same way as the print. This envelope is attached to the paper as is the photo but both of them are able to be removed & replaced as desired. This gives the possibility to change out the picture on this card/art with a new picture based on the season the day or in the case of re sending the card to another. The envelope on the back makes possible writing hand written letters on nice paper of any length desired being able to put that in the envelope then send it as a card or use it as a place to write notes to household or family for notifications. Also the envelope itself could be removed & replaced if desired.
Then attach a braided cord to the top so that it can be hung from a nail or hook so that it can appreciated. This makes a beautiful handmade piece of art that can be sent as a card for a special occasion, hung & appreciated as art for as long as desired by any party & be sent then resent again & again thus sharing a sustainable greeting/blessing of beauty.

I have quit a few really epic prints but have only put 8 extraordinary prints to enlargement for this first run. I have sold 2 of them so far & defiantly want to add a few more in the next run. I make all the postcards, greeting cards & wall hangings of handmade paper from a run of epic smaller prints of a set of 60. All of the smaller epics I also take custom orders for large blown up prints, framed or unframed for these smaller prints as well as make custom card sets with a single photo or combination of photos of choice. This makes for a specialized card set for a specific taste or purpose.

I have really loved the process of printing as it is a whole new level of photography. The paper that is chosen the finish that is chosen & with digital prints every printer is printing differently & every monitor is displaying differently so a huge spectrum of color variation to work with. I have found that it is wise to get a printer profile of any printer that I am printing with even professional printing places. Then to get a monitor display program that aligns my monitor with the color profile of the printer that is to be used. This means that any new place I get prints from I may need to tweak each photo again. Also based on my monitor I may not be even seeing the picture as it will look as it is printed unless I have my monitor color profile tweaked to match.

Really engaging photography has influenced my life very much. As I see the world I am seeing it from the eye of the photographer. I am taking in the light, angles, shadows, & how visuals would look when captured in a focused frame. It is amazing how much tiny spots of isolated beauty can be found all over. For me in nature finding those beauty shots is quite easy, in suburb shopping areas or airports it is much more limited but still there are great shots to get. It has also brought my perception to a place of documentation, capture, sharing & such. Meaning that I am perceiving my life as a picture & this writing can be like a photograph in a way as well. I may focus on an aspect of my life, frame it, capture it then share it like a photo. My whole life is not captured in a page just like the whole world is not captured in 1 photo. However there are great highlights, extremes, uniqueness’s, & other various frames that are enjoyable to partake in. I love how various passions meld & fold into other aspects of life evolving large spectrum's of experience not just isolated activities. This is really important for me for I feel there is so much to be enhanced by in experience. Like during the sailing adventure I was able to experience living at sea, a life that comes with many new normal realities. I got to download new sailing abilities. I got to really engage photography at a level I was not previously doing while also having a playground of beautiful photographic opportunity. I was able to get great experience in new contrasts, scenery, & location shooting. I was able to commune & evolve from the spirit of the sea. I was able to explore new lands & meet new people. There was all this enhancing experience & more from ONE trip! Not only that but those enhancements also enhanced other areas of my life. Thus contributing to a very enhancing experience!

Winter Solstice Vortex

Started this epic solstice weekend off with a grand celebration of joy & wonder in Dallas at the Cathedral of hope for the second largest of its kind. I had the honor of calling the place to focus with the didgeridoo as the event began. The didgeridoo is such a divine space holder for clarity & focus. I then left the stage to meld in the flow of the event to come. There was much play, dance, sound & much to be shared by those present. I was part of various aspects of the celebration including 6 more didj pieces throughout the night with other various sound channels. Cornell, Charity, Ann, Gary to name a few. I was there until the Cathedral closed playing the last vibes of the vortex & accepting gallons of left over soup to utilize in a sustainable fashion. I am thankful to have been part of the event.

Just leaving from the Synergy event as the sun has risen & the people have dispersed. Been dancing, eating, drinking, singing, smiling, huggin, enjoying, & enhancing all night. Really powerful didj session tonight to bring the event to a focused, peaceful place together. We felt about as connected as connected feels. So present, in tune with the now, thoughtless, projection less, free & alive. So thankful to have the space to bring forth such sound creating a vortex for such experience. Great large circle of beings, heads in the middle receiving & enhancing the reality. So much energy coming through while simultaneously being released. I love how the focus & presence of the beings involved coordinate the unfolding of the didj journeys. So much individual channel coming through for the potency of those involved.

Chilling here in Austin enjoying this fantastic city, one of my favorite indeed. There is more winter solstice action going on here today and I will be providing the breath for another round of didgeridoo at winter solstice in the park. Tis another bright sunny day with so so so much opportunity available!
I love being in awareness that the universe provides all, that all I need to do is show up, let go, embrace opportunity & be in connection with inspiration from within. So much potential in the power of the unknown in faith.

It seems as if every day I am reborn again. For when I remember that there is nothing I have to do, there is nothing I have to be, I remember that nothing matters. Because nothing matters I am completely free to choose anew the entirety of my existence. All plans, ideas, beliefs, patterns are re considered & either shed or chosen again. It is very powerful to exist from a place of now in the awareness that right now anything is possible & non of it matters….besides what is made to matter. What it seems to come down to is what my preferences are for it is within preference that meaning exists.

Coming from a place of this is the way it is supposed to be or this is the way it is supposed to happen can be a limiting place of manifestation. It is important to be aware of what is & to also accept that. For it is in acceptance of what is that we may choose anew. Now to be in acceptance of what is & also realize that if something happens, yet we still desire another outcome, we may empower that, to choose anew, to re align so that a new reality is possible. To me this is a perfect palace of acceptance AND empowerment.

It is quite often in life that one encounters “failure” or “missed opportunity” this however can turn into learning, adjusting, evolving, perspective, preference, or other beneficial realities so a lot of what “failure” tends to mean is transformed into process for the upgrade. It is all possible now yet for some reason one may falter. This may be part of it & that’s ok. TO let go & now engage again from a place of focus is beneficial.

This played out perfectly in poetic fashion as me 7 Shellie recorded a winter solstice sound session. As I did sound checks to get mic levels right on the didj & Tibetan bowls, I got the balance where I wanted it & we proceeded to channel potent beautiful divine graced sounds for 25 minutes or so. We came to a pausing point & I checked the recorder to find out it had not been recording at all! These sounds un able to be reproduced channeled in the moment of a vortex by the river. I now had an opportunity to believe these sounds were not ment to be recorded, to be angry over the fact, to feel loss at the reality or to be done with it all together after being disheartened. Instead we laughed did sound checks again & made sure it was recording again. This time the sound that came through was different but it was as powerful as potent as that before it. One could call this a test maybe to see if recording was important enough to stick with it or one could simply continue to choose based on what is important right now knowing that it is available now. Either way if I were to have chosen that not getting a recording was what was supposed to be then I would have got nothing at all instead of just a different variation in a different set of nows. Every new now is an opportunity now to choose again, NOT based on the past but based on what is important NOW!

Another beautiful example played out tonight at our dispense for the sake of this session. We got invited to a sweat, pot luck & house party after the winter solstice celebration. It was about a 45 minute drive & the directions I got were all by word of mouth without any paper or documentation of the directions. When we got very close, the way that was within me was lost at the last road, as I did not know the house address. We did not have a phone number for the place we were going or anyone else that was at the party. We called someone to get a number for someone who was at this house. We left a message as there was no answer. The time approached for the sweat to start & passed. We had chosen to just sit in the car on the side of the road. Exchanging messages taking a short power rest, then the phone rang. It was the girl at the house with directions. She said my phone has been off we are about to start the sweat where are you. We were there within 3 minutes & perfectly on time for the sweat!

In the moments of not knowing where to go, not having a phone number, being out in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the cold night we had many moments to make choices, to have feelings/reactions to our circumstances. By sitting & embracing what was, because it was what was while also holding true to the reality of being at the sweat it worked itself out perfectly. Not according to plan nor as I may have thought it would turn out but perfectly none the less. There were so many moments to move with a different path, to feel a different range of feelings to have different thoughts thus effecting where & how our night would play out.

There is so much power in the unknown for in the unknown anything is possible. There is also the most potential for fear as if one fears, then the unknown is very scary.
We had a nice sweat, a couple hours worth, didjing, singing, bowling, sweating, purifying, & focusing. We then enjoyed a feast of various potluck delectable’s. I sure do love to eat after fasting, cleansing, and other purifying events. It is like death and rebirth yin and yang that contrasting experience fulfilling and amplifying each other. I give thanks!

We have been playing in more sound for the last couple hours upstairs in this sweet wooden floor square dance/yoga/sound room with great acoustics. We had 7 drummers, some Tibetan bowls, didgeridoo, singers, flute, sax, it was epic! Just jamming away tuning into sound & each other through the process of letting go to the experience. I just love how well the spirit of sound can orchestrate so many people in a harmonized enjoyable way without any definable communication between the people at hand. THAT IS DIVINITY AT WORK! I am part of that; I surrender to that possibility, that opportunity that perfection while also embracing life force in its abundance!
After two really long nights of dancing, didjing, singing, playing without any sleep I feel great. By eating really quality foods, being part of a lot of really potent sound medicine & dancing in tune with the life force, sure channels lots of energetic potential. I have been aware of the power of sound medicine but after these solstice didjing journeys & this sound experience here tonight I am aware of it as ever! I am still sitting here an hour after everyone but the bowls have disappeared & yet still feel fulfilled, satisfied & called to sit here in enjoyment of their sound. It really doesn’t get any better than this! What a wonderFULL blessing to be so fulfilled so simply with such a renewable available source. The resonance of these bowls is amazing, the huge spectrum & layers of sound just blow me way AND tune me in! YES


I sat in meditation yesterday, present, so in love with the moment that being naked in a squat on the bedroom floor was as much as I could wish for. As the awareness came to me that I was in agreement to meet my mother, sister and brother from out of town in 30 minutes. Putting on cloths, getting in the car to drive someplace to pay to drink, to talk, get back in a car then come home to this bedroom later that night, all seemed very silly. Yet I also felt that though I was complete in the moment & did not desire nor need anything, that I would still put on my cloths to get in a car to drive to a place and drive back home again..hehe hehe… so I pondred. “If I am to do this anyways it would be in my best interest to choose to do this, engage it & enjoy the process for its now potential.

So I got up took a 4 minute shower put on my silks, put my hair up & was ready to go like I had been getting ready for the event of the day.

When I drive down the road even though I am using gas preciously, honoring the path that has been provided before me, I still don’t like the info structure that the system is based on. Cars that run on fossil fuels, which drive on roads that cut down the earth and plaster it in cement. Yet I also feel driving is something that I am going to continue to be a part of. I can embrace it for what it is, focus on upgrades I can implement & utilize myself & continue to focus on what is important, what I enjoy & am called to do. Am I part of a system of unsustainability…..? Yes in a sense I am yet also I am most sustainable & efficient by embracing & expanding instead of blaming & fighting. If something is really important to me then I will find ways to implement it into my life.

I have not yet used any electrical, gas or any grid heating methods in the last 2 years. As I sit here & write this it is as cold inside as it is out. The sun has come up so its actually becoming warmer outside than in. I can see my breath thick like smoke. I do not disdain this nor experience this as torture. It is fun, it is fulfilling & inspiring for me. Because by doing this I am supporting what feels right to me. I walk around the house with a shake powered flashlight instead of turning on lights. I don’t throw away trash but find a way to use, reuse, recycle, build, create or otherwise utilize materials that I come in contact with. Instead of focusing on the ridiculousness of the trash system, how decomposing does not take place without air, water, & sun which is the environment of dumps across the nation. Instead of thinking about the millions of tons of trash thrown into land fills every week or all the useful materials that could be re used. I think about what can I do now with this! Because I know that material has a more efficient sustainable purpose than traveling on a truck to fill the land with seas of waste.

~Optimal Perspective~

While being angry, guilty, or vengeful is ok, it is not the most beneficial energetic place of experience for me. Meaning there are many places that I could come from & interact with while driving down the road. Consciously choosing from where I operate in this relationship helps to align with enjoyable manifestation.
I am inspired by some new winter pant designs & feel the salivation of my creation to come. 1 design of felted wool & leather another of inner silk layer, middle wool layer, outer layer strong fabric of earth winter color.

I have some wonderful loafs of bread ready for the baking. Loafs of bread made from starter that I feed multiple times daily, take with me to keep warm & feed, sometimes bring to bed with me at night to keep warm. Then mixed with primo ingredients to let grow, rise & transform into Uber Quality dough for loafs of bread over the course of 24-62 hours. Right about now is almost an opportunity for the baking part!


I have been eating, making & sharing food using 5 gallons of soup I got from the left over’s after winter solstice. It was a potato veggie soup that I spiced up with fresh herbs from the garden, garlic & other flavorings. I heated up a huge pot for a bunch of hungry kids one night. Took it to Austin & kept making batches in my crock pot for an all night ecstatic dance event & shared it with other friends during the weekend. Upon returning home I still had about a gallon so I have been doing different things with it as it’s about the only food I have been eating for a few days! I came up with a dish I call VEGGIE soup or soup & salad, its fresh greens from the garden with cold soup, avocados & hot sauce. MMMMM it was good & a nice change up from the variations I have been eating. I so so so love to utilize abundance & free resources. This soup has been a fun one to share.


Now I am at my parents house for Christmas & there is LOTS of food variations going on so the soup fast is ended in feasting fashion. Yesterday was her birthday & I inspired up a 3 course meal, 1 Fried Garden Green Tomato Salad with fresh baked foccacia onion bread, 2 Garden Curried Sweet Potatoes with coconut milk, cashews, & cranberries, on a bed of steamed kale. 3, sautéed cinnamon apples with raisins, peanut butter, candied ginger on top of ice cream. It was a mighty uber dank feast that was most indeed 6 star. It was a really fun late night with the family playing games, talking & enjoying life’s experience. Plus we had if not the most one of the most amounts of snow we have had here in Texas in the 20+ years we have been here, so beautiful & festive perfect for Christmas and Christmas Eve. The snow has been melting beautifully with the bright sun shining & reflecting as the day goes on. We have a middle eastern feast in the preps for today of hummus, fresh home made pita bread, taboolie, lamb, deep fried cauliflower/broccoli, fried cheese with lemon & rosemary, taziki, falafel & some other bits. I made an Uber Dank chocolate cherry bread for brunch today with fresh whipped cream, just about as good as bread gets.

~Holiday Aftermath~

I love being with my family & the holidays are yet another great reason to be so. A bit much food & gusto but fun as a contrasting occasion. We do not do nor have been doing gifts on Xmas for a while now. I quit prefer that reality. It is nice to be immune to the whole gift/consumer realities that seem to be so fixed in place. I do love to give & receive, it is a splendor of this experience. I love unconditional spontaneous giving & receiving from the now. This is what I like to give & receive. I remember in the olden days when it was like ok we will get eachother $20 gifts or you can spend this much on this person or this person spent this much on me or oh they got me something now I have to get them something, or I know they are going to get me something so I need to get them something, etc etc.

We did do a “white elephant” gift exchange of used items. So basically anything we want. No monetary value just something we don’t want anymore. It’s a fun way to exchange, to play with the gift thing yet be completely free of the aspects I do not enjoy. There is often lots of laughter & smiles from the strange gifts.

~Uber Dank~

We are having the first Uber Dank of the year on the 1st while also being the first Dank session since my adventure at sea. This one is titled “sweet potato heaven” we have a really bountiful sweet potato harvest & lots of dank recipes to do with them! We are also going to launch our “Uber Dank, 8 Days A Week” operation. Meaning we will now be offering Uber Dank food for take home, take out or whatever the purpose may be. We will have a menu that is changing from week to week, rotating old ones out & new ones in. We will have 3 raw dishes available every day of the week & at least 4 vegetarian dishes available all days of the week. People will be able to come by & pick up food to take home, to a party or for the week to come. We will discount dish price after multiples of 5 so if someone wants to get a weeks worth of food a discount would be in effect. The food will be cost effective, high vibe & of course Uber Dank. The menu will be available online & updated weekly. We want to have an uber Dank once a week to kick off the new weeks take out menu though this will not come to be every week as there is much traveling to be done. However the food will be here as we have staff & refrigerators to maintain dankness! The only times it may not be available will be on extended adventures & will be posted as such.

So this coming week the menu will be sweet potato based with lots of variety in dankness to spread around!

I have been doing some writing on the awareness behind the food that is being prepped & making videos/taking pictures of the process. I want to have pics & media available for all the dishes to be offered for the Uber Dank 8 Days a week so that on launch one is able to see them in all their uber glory before stopping in.
I have now written down my mission statement for my cooking/foodprep/foodalchemy classes.

“I am not here to share simple recipes. I am here to share the awareness, ability & art of cooking so that recipes (the preparation of food) BECOME EASY. When this place is realized an awareness, then an ability flowing through AS an art, in the form of cooking, becomes state of being.”

This of course doesn’t just translate into food alchemy being easy but also Uber Dank, which really is the more important factor! ;-)>
WHEWWWWW lots on my table besides the food! If it were not for my awareness that nothing needs to get done or that completion is an illusion I may feel overwhelmed ;-)> I am in appreciation for infinite opportunity & the life force to dance in it.

As I arrived at the house for new year’s celebration I could feel all the energy coming together, the flow building for the over flow into reality. I enjoyed a multitude of splendid experiences from baking & sharing a perfect living yeast activated Rosemary Bread (baked, so not raw) many other delightful foods including some super food chocolates, & raw truffles. Lots of beautiful dancing, some inspired drumming, the full moon through a telescope, fine drink, joyful company, then a long new years day sound session into the daylight hours.

Today on the “firs”t day of the “new year” we had our first Uber Dank! It was a mighty success. The sweet potato heaven was experienced, shared & appreciated. My favorite of the night was probably the sweet potato fries with the chipotle mayo topping or cream pesto topping. All though the sweet potato curry magic is defiantly one of my favorite meals ever & consistently so the fries just hit the spot. The sweet potato lentil soup was so full of flavor, it is a wonderful winter meal, with a lot of sustenance.

Harvesting all the sweet potatoes & greens fresh for tonights dinner is such a blessing. To eat food that fresh & alive is beyond words in gratitude for me. I took a lil video of some of the sweet potato harvest il post on youtube. My youtube
I love being able to go out in the back & pick the herbs for my meals, the lettuce for my salad & the potatoes for my dinner. What freshness, fulfillment & sustainability I derive with this dance.

One of the most memorable moments for me was when I asked someone if they tried the sweet potato curry magic. They said yes, I said did you have it with the toppings? They said no. I said then you didn’t have it for I designed every level of flavor in that sweet potato curry with these toppings in mind. So I have him a bite with proper layers. The response was AHHHHHHHHHHH
Hehe the many layers of flavor & preparation is such an important process in Uber Dank food. When the ingredients are added, in what quantities & what they are layered with make a huge difference & a subtle spectrum of variation. I often have to try & tweak the dish 3 or more times to get it to proper dankness ;-)>
Sitting by the fire after eating for the first time this day as I have been in food prep & sound channel mode. I love to eat the leftovers. We almost ran our of a few dishes but had just enough of everything. Now I enjoy some fresh garden lavender, lemon verbena tea! This actually may be my favorite dish of the night! Its so full in flavor the tea seams buttery, but there is the really light taste & color so it almost appears as a water magically enhanced with life force……really that’s pretty much what it is! The magic of alchemy ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Thankful to have shared fulfillment from each other & food.
In Peace


I have been out near Lufkin Texas building an Earthship for days now. I am really glad to be a part of the process. What I love most about it so far is, to experience a “company” who is actually building efficient sustainable homes. They only have 2 crews so they only build about 10 a year but they are working non stop, have a waiting list & have it all down to a pretty fine tuned operation. Most of all the crew can do every aspect of the building process, thus keeping it interesting & providing plenty of skill for any task needed on site. There is lots of into one can find on Earthships on line & also via books. There is a video called Garbage Warrior which features Mike Reynolds the founder of Earthship.

I still feel that there could be some fine tuning to the operation but all in all it’s a very impressive gig they have going with very dependable, usable, efficient, long lasting, energy conserving homes as a result.

I know it was this way for me though I suspect that for many it will be the same way. When I realized how efficient & sustainable homes could be built, there was no way I would buy & or build any other kind of home. This doesn’t mean that it has to be an Earthship but they are a great option for one who can afford it. There are plenty of variations using straw bale cob & other earthen, insulated techniques. One can build a home cheaper, that will last generations & require almost no utilities to live in while also requiring very little maintenance.

99% of all homes in America are built of very unsustainable materials, built to require lots of maintenance, require lots of money to live in & aren’t even unique or that attractive. A cob home for instance is cheap, completely insulated, made of earthen materials, can be made in almost any size & shape with all sorts of unique artistic variations, requires very little maintenance, is really comfortable to live in & easy to build.

I am really happy to share in the realities this group is providing to the world. I wish them all the blessings & success in the world & advise anyone who does not already know about Earthships to look into it as well as other earthen building options such as cob, straw bale, rammed earth etc.
Haven’t been writing at all as I have been putting in long hard hours, its very cold, I am sleeping in the truck & don’t have access to much power.
In enjoyment of these realities.

So for now I am no longer on the job site for the Earthship in Lufkin. Lots of progress was made & my contributions where quality. I have a bunch of pics of the ship so far & feel I may be out there again near the completion of the project.
We would start the day at the site at 7:30 every morning & continue until 4. It was quite cold during the time but I kept really warm mixing lots of plaster pushing lots of heavy wheelbarrows & good physical labor. Earthships are very physically demanding, its nice strong real work.

I am home now appreciating the experience & excited for the possibilities to come. I feel really good about being involved with Earthship & feel lots of inspiration & life force flowing through me by creating with them.

~Epic Moments~

I was sitting outside today in the sun on a bench that I painted myself smoking some sacred green that grew myself, out of a handmade pipe, wearing clothes that I love & acquired for free, with people I love, listening to sound I recorded myself on a surround sound Bose system. FULLY COMPLETE, SATISFIED, INSPIRED, THANKFUL, GRATEFUL, ALIVE!!!!!!


Built my most favorite decomposing toilet ever today. Built of 100% free materials, in a perfect location, protected from the elements & in usable order! UPGRADE
Also built a window insulator frame for the house last night. Lots more to go! I will post some videos of the process as I feel they are a very cheap/free way to upgrade a current non sustainable home into a more sustainable existence. They will be on my youtube site soon not sure when hehehehe
Sitting here by the fire getting ready for some Uber Dank enjoyment, writing, facebooking & appreciating life's experience.


As I write this it Is 234. I just got done watching sector 9 which I rented on the 9th along with the movie 9. The more present I become the more every detail of my experience seems to synchronize.


I am feeling very empowered by clear focus. To just focus focus focus in the now yet continually coming to a place of focus. It is so hard to get things done, to complete projects when focus is fragmented. When the path of thought, action & being is a streamline flow of focus manifestation & progression are highly accelerated.
I have started a “list” on a huge dry erase board. I am putting up every project that I would enjoy having be a reality & continually doing the projects on the board. Its so perfect now because I have been aware of this focus for light years, have utilized it before yet I have also really enjoyed “not focus”, it’s a beautiful thing to be able to flow in & out of realties contrasting & all. There is no right or wrong better or worse. There is often though preference, desire, want, like & dislike. I am still so aware of the beauty in being able to sit for hours & be fully content in being. To be able to lay in the sun all day & be fulfilled in the pure simplicity of sharing with the sun. I love to grow my own food & be at the house for days & weeks without leaving. However these past few days I have been inspired by the reality of getting projects “done” expanding into new realms or expertise & really “working”. I of course am open to letting go & traveling Asia for a couple months if that so becomes important.

This really highlights for me though how productive one can be, successful one can become, when acting from a place of really wanting to be so. Motivation & desire for such realities are the only important reason to “work”. I have met many who are very hard workers, who are successful & such but it is from a place of commitment not to the passion of now. To me the magic is in getting it done, being productive & really REALLY enjoying working. For if its not so success is really not worth much to me anyways.

Been bring many projects to a close, making progress on some & starting more!
Uber Dank Sweet Potato Dankness was last night. I love how the groups come together & the nights unfold in very unique fashion. Last night was no exception as the people came together very organically & enjoyed each others company a great deal. The food was really fantastic but yet again the sweet potato spiced pie was a favorite. We are starting to get comments now on how Uber Dank food can easily compare to 5 star restaurants & even someone said that the sweet potato lentil soup could be served at a Wolfgang Puck restaurant. I have long felt that the flavor combination's of Uber Dankness are of the highest quality, though it is nice to see that others appreciate the depth as much as I. Its funny to think that a strange guy out of his home is making up one of a kind dishes on a weekly basis that rival the flavors of the most famous of chefs. Wouldn’t it be something if one day this strange dude was on tv with bestselling books & world renowned restaurants??? Hehehe the expansion of the universe knows no limits! Are we ready?!??!?!?!!!


Been a while since I have written. Its interesting to be aware of how the ebbe & flow of life brings in lots & fades out into little of certain areas of life experience. Sometimes writing is a large part of what I do sometimes its as if I don’t care about it at all. What a dance!

I have locked in going to the gem show to sell didgeridoos, cater Uber Dank Food to the hotel & provide sound enhancement at a booth. The Tucson Gem & Mineral is an amazing event. Hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world coming together for all things rocks, stones, gems, minerals, fossils & more. Some of the best prices & selections for this kind of stuff around. It’s a super vortex of energy bringing much expansion & enhancement of experience. I have been going for years now but this will be the first time I am holding space as a facilitator/vendor. I can already feel the acceleration of energy as I am in movement in preparation for the show. I held space for two didgeridoo magic sessions at my own fire pit vortex where 4 people were part of making their own didgeridoo of their own hands! AHH what an empowering and enjoyable experience. I love how when people make their own they are much more engaged in the process of playing the didj as well. I get emails saying I have been playing all day! I so love to share in that! I also was able to make a few for my self to take with me to Tucson along with some others that have already been completed.

I was waken up this morning by a phone call I had for a radio show interview. I new that it was today but was mistaken on the time. I had just gone to sleep a few hours before but awoke to a rush of energy coming through me. I then basked in the bright morning sun while flowing inspired dialogue for an hour on the show. I am so thankful for the limitlessness of inspiration & how its all here right now with no need for preparation. The Radio Show is on the World Puja Network, my second with them so far, with a different host than the one before. It is available for listening 24/7 on their website.
Off to the final preparations for gem show! Lots in movement.


HAAHAHAHa the last words that I wrote was two weeks ago. SO SO SO much energy has been exchanged so much expansion of existence has been experienced.
Energetically I tune into the journey here in Tucson. As I contemplate writing it I realize how many words would be used to share it in this format.

Sharing potent existence is important for me. I love to share yet I feel some experiences are just for the experience of the now at hand. Not all experience is for a story, or a memory.

I am in such deep appreciation for what the sharing of Uber Dank has unfolded upon these days here. SO many relationships cultivated, so many ignited. Many people enjoying Uber Dank food & the benefits that come along with it.
We have brought bliss to people in the form of chocolate bliss, where upon drinking it feel a presence, an energy that seems strange yet delightful, then realizing….ITS THE BLISS
We have brought sustenance with divine rice dishes with fresh veggies & secret sauces ;-)>
We have brought warmth on cold rainy days with chai, hot cider & of course a warm SMILE =D>

We have brought comfort with warm tasty foods fresh & full of love.
We bring raw living foods full of life force in enjoyable combination's. Super foods for potent energy during an intense long event.

We have brought all this food & much more with love & awareness for the process. Using no disposables, small amount of waste, recycling, re using, & conscious preparation. With a daily changing menu, of custom made dishes right to the eater!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Holiday Sustainability Project Material Requests

I am in process of creating some uber sustainable house modifications for the winter time. The project is making window insulators for the purpose of keeping cold air out and warm air in. I will be using all free, recycled materials, creating a few different variations based on what materials I get. I will be making a video of this process to share the possibility.
There are some materials that are of common trash for many that i am requesting be saved for me for this project. If enough are collected I could come pick them up or if you are in my area a drop of would be awesome!
Material requests.
1.Packing Peanuts, I can use as many as you get and save over the holidays. I will be using them for insulation in my project.
2.Plastic bags.
any plastic bag that is not dirty or stinky would be appreciated, grocery bags etc. I can use thousands of these so bring em on!
If anyone feels called to contribute and save these for me it would be appreciated and a fantastic way to put trash to a sustainable abundant use. Anyone who wants to ask friends to do this or direct them to this blog to spread the abundance would also be appreciated. Anyone who wants to start a donations bank for sustainable materials would also be appreciated!
Blessings Allways
P.S there are also many other materials that I have great use of that many may not. Any sort of cloth, sheets, cloths, towels etc.
Newspaper. I wouldn't be willing to drive far for this but for a truck load or if im in the area YES!
Carpet. I can use hundreds of square feet of this possibly thousands. Anyone have access or an idea for mass amounts of old free carpet?
Cardboard. I can also use huge amounts of this, wouldn't be willing to drive far for it but if anyone close to me knows where a great spot to get it is I would love to know.
Old Doors especially glass ones. I would so love some more of these.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Setting sail to sea & Beyond

Setting Sail To Sea & Beyond.
As I sit here on deck with my laptop, enjoying the fresh air, the sun & unfathomable expanse of the ocean I see the depth gauge reading 505 feet of depth. It is a perfect example of the power & influence of the ocean. I have heard stats about how much ocean there is & while the numbers are staggering floating atop 505 feet of water as far as my eyes can see is a wonderful experiential reminder of the magnitude of the sea.
I love sailing because it is so peaceful & so sustainable. Wind is free it is a force of nature. When harnessed is a great force for movement as well as electricity. With the wind alone it is possible to sail around the world & power this computer and more at the same time. That is sustainability at work. There is no need for fossil fuel electricity or fossil fuel to fuel the movement. It is free & renewable. The technology is quite simple & while sail boats these days are very sophisticated using very technological materials that is not necessary& even so far more sustainable than most forms of travel.
The depth finder reads 588 feet. As I look across the starboard side I see the setting sun reflecting off the water in blinding light. The sea stretching as far as I can see & much much further. Behind me I see the coast line in the distance Mexico territory in fact. We crossed the border earlier today but there are no check points, no dotted lines just more ocean FREE TERRITORY. We plan on arriving in a port town tonight to file papers, show passports & get fishing licenses anyways.
Today has been cold & foggy day. If someone were to be put on this boat not knowing where we were they would not believe they were in Mexico. As we set sail this morning it was cold & so thick with fog that the sun looked like the moon just a pale soft glow. As we left the port of San Diego the huge city of skyscrapers and buildings were the last land we saw until these last few minutes of seeing Mexico territory. Land spotted with small buildings.
I love that during the day’s journey hardly a sound was heard that was not made by us, hardly a sight was seen that was not of the ocean. Water, birds, floating bunches of kelp, water, fog, water. There were no lines to drive in or speed limits to obey. There were no fasten seat belt signs, swine flue warnings or rules about carrying liquids. Just us & the boat, doing whatever we felt was best to do with what we got. That’s my style!
Arrived in Sennada where we will spend the night & check in with the officials so that we are here under the circumstances of approval. I was at the helm for the entrance into the port. As I steered in I realized that the huge clump of lights that was in the distance was not a factory or huge building but a cruise ship! The paradise was large & bright towering over us as we sailed by. It was quite a scene especially in comparison to this small town.
First day at sea I saw a whale. Pretty sure it was a grey whale though I only saw it fully leave the water once. By the time I got the camera there were not any good shots to get. I enjoyed it fully however & am very pleased to have shared the day with a whale. I have had experiences with the whales before & have been very moved each time.
My favorite Whale experience was while doing some wilderness adventuring in Alaska. I was with 5 friends there for 3 weeks. We didn’t see or hear another person once. On a particularly long day of kayaking we were searching for a camp spot towards the end of the day and saw some spouts way off in the distance. We decided a good camp spot was less important than playing with the whales. We kayaked closer. When we were about 100 yards we stopped and just sat drifting with the ocean. It appeared to be about 5 whales. The largest of the pack I am guessing the male/father swam over to use and circled us about 10 yards away. The size and power of the whale was very moving. Their grace was surprising. They were the size of school busses moving with ease & grace through the water as smoothly as a fish. One little tale flick could have sent us flying through the air & the boat destroyed. I could feel there massive power and ability in the water. Such contrast to my small size and very limited ability in the water. Completely in their element rising out of the water, flicking its tail, spouting 7 circling us. Feeling us out, feeling what we were about. He must have decided we were meant to interact for he swam away & returned with the rest of his family. 3 little whales who were still larger than our kayaks & his mate not as large as him but still quite impressive. They played & sang around us for what seemed like eternity. We just sat there unmoving transfixed & in awe of the experience. This is still one of the experiences of which stand out for me in this life. So intimate, real, natural, & powerful. When the whales finally went on their way we were speechless, so moved & thankful for the extraordinary experience. Touched by the presence of these wise graceful beings we paddled on in a surreal glow.
I am reminded often of this wonderful experience and most defiantly so when I hear, see or think of a whale. Today was a brief glimpse but awesome all the same.
Ocean Medicine
Being on the water is very calming. Sleeping very well & relaxing very easy. I am loving how comfortable & usable this sail boat is. It’s a 40 foot boat with 35 of that being cabin space. It is about 10 foot wide cabin space. We have a bathroom a shower a kitchen with an oven & stove, blender, food processor, electric beaters, bowls, plates, cups, silverware, knifes, cutting boards, refrigerator, freezer, running hot or cold water, filtered drinking water system, pots, pans, & more. We have a table couch, two sleeping beds. We have enough room for cloths, food supplies, fishing gear, survival gear, boat supplies, ropes, books, plenty of power for lights, computers, heating, stereo system & more. Plus there is 4 of us on board living quite comfortably. The space is just so utilized. Every couch is also storage. Every bed is also storage. I love the fact that every aspect of the boat is thought through & designed for really utilizable space. Every light, pole, cabinet, counter, stove etc is thought out to be efficiently utilizable in multiple ways.
This also highlights for me the obvious fact that homes & almost all living spaces, especially in the states is so inefficiently designed in almost all ways but highlighting here the use of space ( I have a youtube video in editing process showcasing the boats efficiency under my youtube page) So many materials could be saved. So much space could be freed up. Its less space to heat, its less space to light, less space to clean, less space to paint, etc etc. I will make sure to make a video highlighting the efficiency of this boat.
Spent the day in Ensenada mostly waiting for the captain to get all the government technical waste of time paper filing bull shiznit taken care of. So I took the opportunity to get some sun, building my base coat for the heavy sun to come. Took some uber gorgeous photos & utilized the time at port to get some internet action in posting this blog & uploading epic pics.
I did meet a sailor in port here from Greece who offered me a crew spot on his sailing back to Greese next year. Could be an awesome opportunity if I wind up loving the sailing life. I defiantly want to go to Greece & sailing is a sweet way to go. I love how many wonderful opportunities are presented just being, completely un planned or actively sought out. Simply being present with what is important to me, embracing the divine synchronicity, keeping faith & appreciating it all! The universe provides all opportunity in the most wonderful unexpected ways to those in allowance of the abundant nature of the universe!
Settling into bed as we plan on leaving in the morning, heading out to sea for some real sailing. We will be sailing at least 60 miles off coast so we can get some good wind & sail all night & day for 3 plus days. This means we will constantly have people at the wheel & on watch duty. So there will be a lot less sleep & rest time. I am ready for the experience, feeling pretty well rested & ready to go.
Not sure when I will be able to post again, however I will be writing as the days go by & post it all in a chunk at next internet opportunity. ON WARD!
Vast Open Ocean
Been way out at sea for our 350 mile sail to the next stopping point “Turtle Bay” 350 miles doesn’t sound long but a good traveling speed for us is 7 knots per hour which is 1.15 miles per hour. A nautical mile is 1 nautical minute. There are 60 nautical minutes in 1 degree. So take 60x360 degrees & its about 2100 nautical miles which is the circumference of the earth.
So to travel 360 miles takes a couple days or more depending on the wind. If we get no wind of very little wind for a period of time then we travel slower which means a longer journey. When out at sea sailing we always sail because if we didn’t we would be getting knocked around by the waves. So unless there is absolutely no wind we are on the move, all night all day on the move. We do watches of 2 people every 4 hours. There are 4 of us so every 4 hours we change shifts. That means 4 hours on 4 hours off so we don’t sleep more than 4 hours at a time. We have 7 different sails that we are changing in & out depending on the weather. We used our drifter sail today for a few hours as we were in very low wind. It is a type of sail that is thinner & a bit larger that generates more movement from less wind. We were actually able to get it to generate 7 knots per hour speed which is about the same as our other sail in a bit higher wind. The fastest speed we have reached has been 10 knots though that was brief & actually a little fast. We have been making relatively good time so far these past two days & may make it to Turtle Bay almost a day ahead of schedule.
Up until now I have been mostly very very sea sick! I would be in fact in torturous misery if it were not for my mental hope & clarity. Though I have not eaten any food or even drank any water for over 30 hours & been puking up everything including my bile I stay focused on the fact that I will be ok & that this is an opportunity for me to acclimate to sea life becoming more capable for it.
I am actually quite surprised that I got so sea sick even thought this is my first time out at sea. While I know I am capable of anything I also forecast my great ability in all that I do. So here I am although relatively comfortable right now very sea sick. I have chosen to not use any sort to sea sickness aid & find my own ability to acclimate to this experience. I have not been sick nor had a cold in over 8 years & have become SO accustomed to such an easy pleasurable, enjoyable life it has been quite a shock to be in so much discomfort for such a long period of time. It has been quite a mental test for me to stay focused & not sway to misery. Meditation has been a great aid. Even though I cannot eat or drink without puking as long as I am in meditation I am in relative peace. Though I have deck, watch & helm shifts that make for a very long uncomfortable 4 hours. I have been getting some help from my friends making my shifts a bit easier but still very uncomfortable. Even now as I write this I am feeling a bit queasy, tired & sick. So on that note I will log off & meditate.
From Darkness To Light
After a very tiring, painful night of watch, helm & deck duty this morning brought great beauty, enjoyment & fulfillment! The sun was shining, it was warm & if felt like we were in Mexico! We took our first swim in the open ocean. It was not worm but very nice for swimming, very refreshing & lots of fun! Took my first shower since leaving on the 3rd after the refreshing swim on the back of the boat with the little hand held dishwasher sprayer, laid out in the sun, soaking up some very fulfilling rays kept on sailing in the calm clear seas with our drifter sail. The drifter sail is my favorite so far as it is very beautiful with its multiple colors & thin wavy fabric like that of a hot air balloon or parachute. We changed sails a few times over the day depending on the wind situation.
I was able to ingest my first bit of nutrients into my body in the form of a foamy glass of banana water! ½ banana & 1 cup water blended to perfection! MMMMMM it tasted so so so good! That sat well with me & was the first bit of liquid or food that I had ingested in over 48 hours. I have fasted for many days plenty of times but not without water & defiantly not under these conditions. Normally I drink plenty of water & do lots of relaxing, stretching, meditation, breathing etc. Quite an experience I must say. I do feel very clean & energized now however. It is quite late & the crew is asleep but I lie awake brimming with energy! I also ate a half an apple, a spoonful of spirulina & some fresh caught salmon sashimi! I have felt great all day & continue to feel better.
Desolate Exploration
We arrived at Turtle Bay this afternoon & blew up the dingy to go ashore. This was indeed one of the most interesting towns I have been too. Very desolate towards the bottom of the Baja Peninsula, very dry & desolate. There is very little here but dirt & some pieced together houses. I really enjoyed the walk through town which did not take too long as it was quite small. So many fantastic photo opportunities. Saw 3 different osprays (sea going hawks basically) 1 atop a church cross & another with a fish atop an old tank of some kind. Lots of great pictures of walls & fences compiled of pieces of materials of whatever could be scrapped together. Boards, metal sheets or any sort of flatish material. There didn’t seem to be any tourist action here nor much of any business at all. I am guessing most of the income is from fishing &a small bit of outside visitor cash when it shows up. We did hear that if we find a panga (small Mexican motor boat) we can buy lobsters for $1! There are lots & lots of lobster/crab pots in this area.
After the walk of the town & many photos we headed back to the ship where it was anchored awaiting our return. We cooked up a feast of Tuna Stir Fry & two kinds of sashimi. The tuna was cought by us & really wonderful. I ate that as well making it quite feast for me in contrast to the last few days. We at out on the deck of the boat with our little portable table by candle light rocking to the small waves, listening to some fantastic music & watching the sea life around us play as we ate. You just don’t get dining like that, quite a first class experience indeed. Afterwards we played cards & ate chocolate enjoying the perfection of life.
Spent the last couple hours writing, editing & recording some didj tracks, feeling lots of inspired life force cursing through me for the first time in what feels for me as A VERY long time. I love to feel good!
The stars are absolutely beautiful out here at sea. Especially out in the open sea where there is nothing buy sky & water as far as the eye can see. The stars are so bright when the clouds are cleared that the stars seem countless & the Milky Way is glowing like a nightlight in the sky. I can see how people have become fascinated with the stars & planets being able to experience it in this way. It has been a while since I saw stars like this. Probably since my extreme camping trips in Alaska, where we also get to see the northern lights! A most wonderful bonus indeed =D> I my self am content & enjoyed to appreciate the beauty & depth of the night sky as it is.
A side note we often pass cruise ships at sea going from one port to the next. They often times look like city glows on the horizon & can be seen for 15-20 miles. It isn’t until there are looming closer that it is sometimes realized that it’s a boat unless that is it’s a glow in the middle of the ocean where we are quite sure there are no cities ;-)>
Clarity & Perspective
These last few days really brings to clarity the difference between pain & suffering. Pain is painful yes, suffering is far worse. The difference from my experience is experiencing pain as pain & amplifying that pain to misery by the content of one’s mind. When I am in pain & just breath, experiencing it for what it is its, then it passes, birthing beautiful glorious contrast. When pain is amplified by the mind putting it into the past future & making it into a lot more than just pain it becomes misery thus leaving scars that effect life after with negative results.
Sometimes pain is a part of life. I still don’t think it’s important to seek out pain, focus on pain or create it to provide contrast. However sometimes it is there & it does provide contrast. Pain is an opportunity for me to really see what I am made of. Pain is an opportunity to find out what is really important, to come to clarity on what is not working thus bringing forth this pain & focus in hope, on the light.
I just recently read a book called The Miracle Of Mindfulness. In this book it points to the importance of being present with whatever it is that we are doing. For if we do what we are doing to get somewhere, get finished, to accomplish something then we are not actually living or doing what we are doing but putting our energy into the future. So that even when we accomplish, get done, or finish what it is we are doing we can’t really enjoy that either for most likely we are still not present.
I really like this for it has been important to me for a long while to be present with what it is that is. Scrubbing the deck is scrubbing the deck. Being present with this allows me to be present with whatever comes after as well. Being present allows me to appreciate the freshness of the air, the beauty of the clouds, the sweetness of the nature sounds, & the amazement of the stars. These are all very simple wonders of life that are very commonly present that can be part of much beauty & enjoyment. They can also be aspects of life that are not appreciated or over looked due to lack of presence with the now.
I feel this same presence of mindfulness is important in sickness & pain as well, for even though it is not enjoyable it is what is. By being present with the whole experience it allows for great evolution, awareness & empowerment from the process without common side effects of unconscious decisions, thoughts, & patterns being integrated in the process. I highly recommend this simple & short aid to mindfulness by Thich Nhat Hanh.
Beautiful Day
Greeting this beautiful day again feeling alive, inspired & healthy! A slightly overcast morning with dew on deck to mop it with is nice & easy in comparison to filling buckets to mop a dry deck with. The sun is burning off the mist to reveal a warm sunny southern day! We are looking at setting sail again this morning to get on our way to The Sea Of Cortez that we foresee to be quite wonderful indeed. While I am excited to play in the Cortez I must admit I am not too excited to engage the open sea again! Haha it is as It is, may experience bless me with enjoyable wellness.
AHHHHHHHHHh another sunny wonderful day in Turtle Bay. Took the dingy out to a beach where I took hundreds of photos ;-)> got lots of sun & did one of my other favorite things which is harvest treasures from the beech!!! I collected a nice bag of beautiful stones & shells for all sorts of art projects I received a vision for as I picked up each piece. As I took these photos I thought of you my friends & how nice it is to be able to share this beauty with you all. I have been getting a really nice amount of quality photos & sorting the best ones to load to my Facebook so that if you wish you may view them all while I am still here capturing & sharing! I am so thankful to have so many people to share with in this life for it is an amplification of awesomeness!
There was one small mishap today that could have been a disaster. We were on the dingy heading to a beech, as we got close the steerer turned the boat to the side as a wave came. I had my very nice camera, extra lens & portable audio recorder on board. As the boat tipped I grabbed my camera & other electronics in Matrix time & raised them to the air. Just as the boat flipped they were saved. As my comrades tumbled out getting soaking wet & the boat filling with water I & my gear somehow were ok. I cant say I was scared for I wasn’t but on after thought man that could have been a very very hard blow to some very important & expensive items. I am thankful to have captured all the beauty & still have my capturing devices in working order.
I also recorded a few didj tunes with the sounds of the ocean today. I have not yet listened to them or edited them but am excited to do so when that time comes.
We may set sail today but are not yet sure. Only time shall tell & I am quite certain it will happen in perfect alignment either way.
Sailed overnight & are still at sail. Will be arriving within the half hour of our destination for the day of a grey whale mating & nurturing ground. It is a bit early for the epic action as it is high time Dec-Feb though I have a feeling I will see a whale or two.
So far I have seen at least two whales, 12 shooting stars, thousand dolphins, thousands & thousands of birds, 100 seals & 1 fish.
The overnight sail was a little rough as it meant being up all night plus the wind was not consistent so we had times of slow & choppy sail. However I did not get sick once & still feel fantastic! It sure is a wonderful contrast to feel so great after feeling so bad! Still not eating crazy food while in open sea, I now start every day with my favorite banana cream! It consists of a banana & a couple cups of water blended in a blender. It was the first thing I could handle after my sea sickness episode & am now in love with it more than ever!
It has been a beautiful sunny day today with not great wind but enough to keep us moving at a decent pace, even I am sunned out for now, though in a couple weeks I will be in Sun God form once again.
Feasting At Sea
We just got done with a mighty feast of fresh real tuna salad from the catch of the day, roasted on a grill over hanging the boat! was a cool sight. Also I prepped up some Uber Dank yam specials locking in my nickname of “Yam Specialist” ;-)> 1st dish was curry yam stir-fry with coconut milk, peanuts, raisins, sautéed unions & the perfect seasonings. 2nd up was a yam pie for desert! MMMm MMM Mmmmm
We are in process of pulling into our anchor area, doing dishes & writing up this update! Hopefully I will be able to post this soon & upload a couple hundred awesome pics hehe ;-)>
Quotes of the day “ Bring in the Yam Specialist” “Bring out the first mates salt lick” “Salt Lick Reporting” “I am the king” “6 foot 4, 88lbs in the blue corner” “Floppy Donkey”
Out to deck to get in on the action. <3 <3 <3 <3
Arrived Punta Abreojos “open eyes” around dark. Played cards edited amazing photos ate yam pie, played music, talked. Laughed, enjoyed. Now I am we are very tired at the early hour of 8. long day & night. Feeling spent yet fulfilled. Blessed Be.
Lying on the deck of the boat after a ½ mile swim back to the sail boat from shore. Soaking up the warm sun as I dry off & relax to the feeling of the cool breeze & the gentle rock of the boat! WOW
Punta Abreojos is a fantastic spot. We are here too early for the whales unfortunately, however it is a beautiful, peaceful happy town. Walked the whole of it today, got a lot more fantastic picture opportunities. This seems to be Ospray heaven as they are making nests all over town. On top of phone poles seems to be the most common spot as there are hardly any trees. They are building their nests & I was even able to get some pics of the process in action! It seems that they nest in pairs as I saw two in nests multiple times as they work in shifts. One flies off to get food/materials then comes back & the other leaves so on & son on. They are like the bald eagle of Mexico.
Best Day Ever…Again!
WOW today has been the best photography day yet! I got so many just WOW INSPIRING photos! I have been going through em for a while now & am still just loving it blown away by the beauty! AHHH YES
Feeling tired yet fulfilled with a long day of sun exercise & fun. Sitting round the ship table sharing stories, & winding down.
Setting sail again tomorrow morning as we are feeling now. Will be about a two day sail to our next spot down the coast. Second to last spot on the Baja Peninsula. May we be blessed with steady wind & good cheer.
Just got some info from a book the captain is reading about Einstein. After he figured the formula e=mc2 he was turned down for 3 jobs because it was not yet in the club of reputable scientists. He continued to go about his lowly job of patient clerk 3rd degree until finally his work was realized as greatness.
One of his quots is great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.
Feeling healthy, relaxed, tan & creative. So much to be thankful for <3 =D>
Quotes of the day “Modelorama” “langosta” “2nd mate octi” “3 hook sausage” “digging deep into the yam sack”
YeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa is what a Texan sailor sounds like riding strong steady winds all day! We set sail less than 24 hours ago & have already traveled 150 miles. We were cruising at about 7 knots most of the day & even reaching 8.5 quite a few times along the way. Its so nice to sail with such winds. Not only is It smooth, easy & fun but its about twice as fast a trip.
I got up yesterday at dawn to capture as beautiful a sunset as I have seen. Spent the day sailing perfect winds, laying in bright beautiful sun & feasted on fresh, harvested Tuna Sushi. We had an epic feast while watching a classic trade wind sunset of bright colors & clouds, sitting out on the deck of the boat enjoying the many many pleasures of life. The feast consisted of the just caught Tuna I reeled in an hour before. We made spicy tuna rolls, endame rolls & Tuna Sashimi slices. Probably a $120+ meal almost for free!
Then proceeded to sail all night to perfect winds & bright starry sky. I laid under them in gratitude for the enhanced connection to source it provided playing with inspiration after inspiration. Taking in the milky way in perfect clarity as shooting stars fly by. AHHHhhhh YES!
Arrived at another anchor point this morning, yet another gorgeous place. This one is particularly interesting for the local people number under 100 & all their dwellings are in quite unique places. I am so glad I have pictures of this so that I save myself a few thousand words of description ;-)>. I would say it’s a great idea while reading this to be looking at the pictures I post on FB so as to get a pictorial storey as I write =D>.
We came upon a few of them on shore skinning about 6 sharks. I have a feeling they eat almost all sea food & probably some bulk corn or beans that they buy every few months. There are no roads or any sort of town near by. I am quite sure they eat almost no fresh fruit or vegetables as they had no gardens & nothing of any kind grew wild around them.
This place was also very unique as there were lots of tall green mountain peaks right on the water unlike anything else we have seen yet, sorta reminded me of Scotland. I took a hike up this mountain & as I walked I found these little magic stones here & there. As I found each one I was guided further up the mountain. After a few hours of hiking I found the birth place of this magic stone of the land & was guided to collect a supply of them! I love them & what they had to share with me. What they shared with me is that life is simple, nature provides very abundantly, let go & enjoy the process, beauty & all there is to experience. Or as they say in Fiji “Fiji Time Man, Fiji Time”
I so enjoy being at another beautiful location each day. Waking up to the gorgeous sea sun rise, fresh air, energizing sun & vast beautiful landscapes. Settling down at the end of the day to an amazing sun set, tasty prepped meal, friends, & good cheer. Then falling asleep to the milky way & all its starry friends. FANTASTICO!
We are now back on the boat after capturing another sun set prepping tonight’s feast, looking like garlic beans & rice with fresh Tuna Sashimi on the side, probably eaten together. Enjoying the process, letting go, letting go & embracing the infinite abundance & possibility of now.

Quotes of the day. “Get In The Girdle Sea Cow” “Make Me Some Milk” “Let me at the wheel with my wrench” “I’m a hamster at a cannon”
Set sail again today in a bit of a drizzle. We have a nice steady breeze carrying us on a smooth course to our next spot. Tis another beautiful day at sea. Had the pleasure of observing a school of dolphins swim along us jumping & playing to the speed of our boat. They like to stay as close to the boat as they can weaving back & fourth right in front of the bow. Just a bit after they arrived the sun came out the waters lightened then they left & it’s a bit drizzly again.
Cruising at a record 9.7 knots! Another nice smooth day at the ocean view office ;-)> the sail is so smooth that it feels almost like being at anchor. How sweet to travel at this speed so smoothly. Im writing, the captain is making granola & the young’s are playing toons on the guitar and harmonica.
The sun has set & it was another beautiful one. The Milky Way is huge tonight stretching from the horizon all the way past the middle of the sky. We just finished a new yap special under the stars & strong winds. Our captain says we are spoiled I say “Im not spoiled, I just have high standards of normalcy” =D> I quite like that. For in the light of comparison & perspective this is quite a contrast indeed.
The Yam Special of the night was yams & sautéed onions cooked till soft. Then when about done coconut milk, spices (curry, red pepper flakes, cayenne, cumin, salt, black pepper) then after taken off the burner add dried banana chips, peanuts, & resins. Also prepared a coconut butter garlic tuna that we just put on the top but was a great side on its own for this dish. Tuna, butter, coconut milk, chipotle powder, salt & cumin.
Now I am going to take a lil nap before my 4 hour shift starts in 1.5 hours. May we be blessed with steady winds & calm seas.
Quots of the day “Im not spoiled, I just have high standards of normalcy” “Just throw in an extra bottle of tangaray hahahah”
I sit here swaying back and forth as I write on board the sail boat in anchor in Cabo Bay. It is quite a wavy night & I am in appreciation for the constant reminder of the sea to let go & go with the flow. It is so present & powerful in this.
Feeling very tired as a long night of sailing & full day of fun in the sun has brought me to a place of desire for deep rest.
Cabo Madness
Coming into Cabo was hilarious. We have been going down the coast stopping at beautiful nature spots where there are far more birds than humans, where the town are small & desolate. We just came from a town of under 100 people where they skinned shark on the beach. We turn around the big rock & BAM! It’s a circus here at Cabo. Thousands of people, hundreds of boats zinging around. Cruise ships, jet skis, huge hotels and more huge hotels. Beach restaurants & bars, para sailing vessels tourists and partiers everywhere, banana boat rides & more. It was mind blowing!
We anchored after cruising around the bay taking in the mayhem. Then anchored & swam to shore. It took over an hour to get out of the compound of hotels, restaurants, bars & shops. It was sorta like Vegas in the sense that all these buildings/attractions are built to provide entertainment, pleasure so that you don’t leave & spend money. They a whole mall type place that just wound around with underground levels, above ground levels, bridges, lil streams & ponds. It was really cool to take in, in contrast to the rest of this journey but became pretty nasty after a couple hours. So much cement, concrete all designed to take money. So unsustainable & promoting of these blow out vacations once a year. While walking down the beech we passed a beach bar where there were a couple on a table taking turns smacking each other for free drinks & the entertainment of the crowd. It was quite a spectacle indeed.
What a beautiful location though. Nestled in a perfect bay with blue clear waters making it able to see 40+ feet down even without a mask underwater. The water was warm, the beaches smooth & white. The rock faces surrounding the area were amazing as well. High jagged peaks with crashing waves against them. Beautiful sunny warm weather with a constant cool breeze. I can see why this location has built up so fast. From what I hear 20 years ago it was just a beautiful lil sea town & these tens of HUGE hotels have all been built since then. We are here during a slow time weekday. I can only imagine how amazingly crazy it is during spring break! I almost want to come for a day just to experience the overwhelming energy of it.
After dark we walked back the beach & swam back to the boat. We hung out here for a bit of today, sunning, swimming & utilizing the WIFI on board! Now dinner has been cleaned up after being eaten after being prepped after being baught at market in town today. It was an uber dank fresh burrito night with tortillas made this afternoon at the tortillorila.
We set sail shortly after. The night was really rough. We were sailing up wind into the wind. Which back in the days of Columbus would have been an ability highly coveted amongst the most powerful of nations. Due to new materials of high strength and light weight it is now possible to sail quite fast even into the wind. However it was not to enjoyable. It felt like in the movies being out in the middle of the ocean on rough seas, being tossed around like a piece of dust in the wind. There were times where the boat would leave the water & slam down back on the water sounding like a grenade. Or other times where we would have some speed going & then smash head into a wave jolting the whole boat like pulling the tug cord on your parachute while skydiving. The day today was a bit better, lots of bright, clear hot sun for laying in while we sailed. Im on my sailing rations of banana cream & soaked almonds. Raw foods & not much of it are defiantly the way to go out at sea for me. Heavey foods that take a while to digest just lead to nausea in the night.
We arrived in bay of the dead just before dark. We are anchoring here tonight to get some rest as we are all very tired. It’s a very undeveloped bay, nice, quiet & peaceful. We have learned that there is a developer lobbying to get the named changed to Bay Of Dreams hhahahahahahahahha Im guessing he wants that name before he turns it into the next Cabo. He probably doesn’t feel quite as confident about marketing Bay Of the Dead hahahahahhah. Hopefully his lobbying does not work for this quaint cove will soon be a gas guzzling concrete haven.
While sailing I have spent a lot of time laying out under the stars. So bright & beautiful, really bringing home the awareness of the vastness & eternalness of life. There will always be enough, this world is based on an abundant principle. I love to have the night sky to share this with.
The other thing about sailing that is so apparent is the letting go of control. For as we sail if there is no wind or very little wind it doesn’t matter what you do with the sails, you still go slow or not at all. The ebb & flow of nature is so apparent. Highs & lows, gusts and lulls, sun & clouds back & fourth. The world that so many of us live in is such a controlled manipulated environment. Controlled temperatures, roads that are almost always drivable, cars that can always go the speed desired, re fueling stations so as not to rely on the elements, almost every aspect is under a highly controlled manipulated circumstances. This is all nither bad nor good. It just is as it is. Something worth being aware though & I appreciate the very distinct clarity being presented of this on this journey. Though it is something I am aware of it has been a few years since I was really in such an obvious situation that presented this contrast.
Lapaz & More
Great night sleep last night & smooth sunny sailing so far today. When its good its REALLY good ;-)> Feel great after some quality raw super foods last night with a solid rest. Had my banana cream again today due to the stock up on bananas in Cabo. Been laying in the sun most of the day with some here & there tending of the sails. It’s a really beautiful coast here with lots of small mountains scattered with green brush & white sandy beaches. Every single spot looks like a prime spot for a land excursion. Just taking in the beauty, appreciating it & sailing on. We are shooting to be in Lapaz by sun down tonight.
Made our destination of Lapaz by sundown with another day of fantastic sailing. You know your in Lapaz when you see oil tankers, factories & hotels. Not my ideal anchor but will stock up on supplies, probably enjoy some local restaurants & take a couple day port. Our port spot was number 413 & as we pulled in the boat next to us was Prominade from Seattle Washington! That is the same origin of this boat & crew besides me of course! AHHHh the chances of pulling into Lapaz mexico next to a Seattle WA sail boat. DIVINE! Plus we are right across from a boat from St Louis MO which is where I was born! BAM! ;-)> We just got done washing down the hole boat with brushes & soap. Its all nice & clean. I will be taking advantage of some internet access here shortly to post some awesome pics of Facebook & post this blog.
Went for a walk around town. Not to touristy which is nice. Had a good dinner at a restaurant & came back to the boat for tea & cards. Now I am utilizing some internet time & starting to feel tired. 11pm is late for this dawn crew!
Quotes of the day “gum filled with sprite” “the glory days of car wash” “Bronzing Specialist by day, Yam Specialist by night.”

Feels Like Home
Wow while I rested the sun went around the world! On top of that it is back again leaving streaks of color throughout the sky creating a painting for me to appreciate on this morning!!! What a WONDER-Full world this is, so much appreciation for the dimensions of experience to play in, blessed be.
The past two days have been filled with fun of the city life after being at sea for weeks. Exploring the whole town has been done, by walking miles & miles exploring what Lapaz has to offer. After these last couple days of playing in town it now feels familiar & kinda like home. I love that about walking the cities all day because it really brings awareness to the whole area. We found the best Vitals Market & stocked up for the sea ahead while also enjoying some special treats that have not been had in quite some time. Got lots of fresh fruit, cut it up & froze it in bags in the freezer for smoothies to come at sea. We got a large thing of ice cream for last night’s birthday feast for the Captain & pretty much crushed it ;-)>
Spent a day repairing & cleaning the boat at dock, did all the laundry aboard the ship, took some long warm showers & enjoyed not waking up in the middle of the night to take the helm through the waves. We found a sweet little restaurant on the outskirts of town that just had a palm frawn roof & a sand floor, the only one in this town as it is in a city of concrete & not on the beach. Really friendly homey feel, with really quality food at a great price. They had large party sized bottles of cervesa that came in their own lil bucket of ice, large freshly cooked portions of food that tasted home cooked with quality. Was a nice spot to enjoy & contribute to.
I took hundreds of fantastic photos of the town on the many hours & miles spent exploring the town. Its so amazing my ability to microscope little vortexes of beauty & capture it in an amplified radiant way. So nice to experience & share. It seems that everywhere I go just gets more beautiful & the pictures more fantastic!
There was a fiesta day here in town yesterday which really brought the town to life, lots of music, street vendors, food & action going on all over town, even some fireworks & lots of excess noise. The feast for El Capitans birthday last night was fantastic. I made some Uber Dank potato skins fried in a skillet with onions, topped with cheese, chipotle sauce, salt, pepper, jalapenos, then put to broil, then topped, with avocado, onions, & sour cream. Also my favorite beat salad of roasted beats, goat cheese, garlic, & mint with a touch of salt, pepper & maple syrup! Then his favorite cake & lots of ice cream! Also some home brewed bear from a friend in the states & lots of good cheer.
I love how the air is always fresh on the ocean & the atmosphere completely dictated by the power of the ocean. Its been drizzling while I fall to sleep each night, a very soft pitter patter on the boat roof, playing to me as I relax into the night.
I found a little chunk of beech in town last night while waiting for a bus that had a bunch of little sea shells completely & perfectly formed but the size of a pin head. Will capitalize on that again at some point! Treasures await discovery!
I love how the universe provides me with abundance, treasures & surprises every where I go making it feel like the whole world is my Garden Of Eden. I love how every photo I take is from a place of love, creativity, inspiration & completely fulfilling yet it is for others enhancement that it is done. The perfection of being in alignment with experience is so so so perfect I just breathe deep & thank all that is.
Sitting here eating a bowl of chocolate cake with ice cream & a cup of coffee editing photos & writing before we head out to sea again. Probably some gorgeous beach islands today or tomorrow or whatever we come upon on the way!
All in all I have enjoyed Lapaz. Its not to huge & dirty but has lots of the big city benefits. The people seem generally pretty content & well off plus its not very touristy. Im ready to be back out in nature though in the sun, fresh breeze, finding treasures, exploring beaches & taking in the sights of the land before me.
Ship is secure, all is in order, last internet transactions have been made. Trading the city amenities for open water, nature, beaches, & all the sea has to offer.
Bon Voyage Blessings!
Quots of the day “The sun traveled around the world while I rested & on top of that has graced me with a painting of the sky upon its return this morning!” “The sun traveled around the world while I rested this night & with it has now brought a painting of the sky just for me”
Left the harbor of Lapaz in late afternoon for our shortest sail of the trip so far! A 6 knot sail that took about two hours at about 6 knots per hour with tacking (diagonal cuts across the water back & fourth when traveling into the wind, takes a lot longer but being able to sail into the wind at all is pretty cool) We arrived at a just over the top mind glowingly gorgeous cove. There multiple white sand beaches, mountains with oranges, greens, reds cactus & beautifully contrasting rocks. The water is multiple shades of blue & green. Its just crazy amazing. Luckily I took about 400 photos of this area ;-)> which I will post at some point.
We got here just in time to cook the fish we caught on the way here on the grill with the sunset in the background (a photo opp I planned ;-)> ) the sunset was yet again as beautiful a sight as I have seen. We made fresh fish tacos mine were with raw fish. The tacos were as good as tacos get with freshly made corn tortillas from the tortillaria that day, a chipotle coleslaw & the freshest of fresh fish harvested, cleaned and prepped myself. Not exactly sure of the type of fish this one was but it was a white meat that is super duper buttery. I also tanned the skin into fish skin leather! I love it & am excited to do some more of it as the adventure continues.
We went to bed quite early maybe 8:30 to calm waters & starry skies. That night I had the most profound dreamtime I have ever had. I was in communion with the waves & they spoke to me as clearly & powerfully as any god, drug or spirit I have yet communed with. I awoke & the boat was rocking heavily back & fourth to the influence of the waves. I went back to dream time & for the rest of the night was in journey with the wave consciousness. I was blown away by the pure power of the experience. It reminded me so much of my experience with Ayuosca. I do not wish to describe the details of this dreamtime though I do wish to affirm yet again ITS ALL OK! Life force is eternal forgiveness, love, acceptance, embrace & harmony. I am still moved & humbled by the experience just sitting here in awe of the vast eternal pure potential of source. The specific awareness that was most present for me was the Flow, the separation of moments experienced in fluidity from now presence. There is no need to know what will happen, how it will happen or when it will happen. To be present now, now now now now now now into eternity each a moment of its own now but through such presence a divine flow & grace is realized. It is like watching a beautiful dancer. Each movement requires the muscles to work in a Different way but it’s the fluidity of transition of the whole dance that makes each movement so beautiful. Or a martial artist doing a routine of many moves. Each strike a movement of its own for its specific purpose yet a beautiful art form is realized when Flowing many consecutive movements together. It is not so much about remembering what movement to do when but the presence that is realized in that flow. The more presence of now is realized the more beautiful & flowy the performance shall be. The less present with the now the more choppy, scattered, broken etc the performance shall be. Any thought, doubt, question or loss of track during such a sequence will show up in the movements. Whereas when one is fully present with the now movement just Flows forth through the body From a place of Connection.
Life can be like a dance of connection. A continues flow of events, words, actions, feelings, experiences, adventures or whatever comes through the flow of connection. When we plan our lives, are attached to outcomes & process of the dance we are not present enough to really flow it from a place of now. Instead of an inspired art it becomes a pattern, a formula, a system that becomes easily thrown off by the intricacies that life presents.
To me this is where life becomes extraordinarily empowered, magical, & limitless. Exciting & fulfilling now because of what is being achieved but because of being in connection with Pure Life Force. In the now all is perfect, aligned & in harmony. Each moment provides entertainment, fulfillment, joy & love of life. The opportunity that comes from this place is so abundant that I am Almost overwhelmed with possibility.
Today was a glorious day of play! Took the dingy to the various white sand beaches where I took some of the most amazing photos of bugs I have ever had the pleasure of. I have not yet looked at them but I have no doubt that I will be just speechless with their glory.
Lots of sun, swimming & treasure collecting. I found some really nice shells; saw a blow fish & many schools of little colorful cuties. Came back to the boat for a late lunch of a raw apple pie shake, a nap & then off to hike the tallest mountain in the area. It is always amazing how different the hike is than it appears it will be from afar! This hike turned out to be the 2nd most challenging barefoot hike of this body’s life, lots of sharp jagged loose rock & thousands of beautiful little cactuses growing out of the rock all over the place. I did make it to the top of the peak where I got some great photos of a vulture hawk that I was able to climb above where they fly. I got up there for the sunset, used my camera timer to take a couple photos of myself then started the hike back down. I have always much preferred the hike up over the hike down but especially so on this occasion! How do you avoid thousands of little cactuses growing out of the rocks barefoot at night? Prey & allow the grace of the universe to manifest a solution! I was over joyed to be in allowance, for I found a small channel that water would flow down in the rarity of rain. My body mind & especially feet were indeed stretched though I made it down without any major discomfort & even avoided an unenjoyable interaction with the rattlesnake that let me know where he was on the way down *brow wipe*
Came back to the boat to freshly baked boat bread & a couple days of left over’s to feast on in quiet relaxation! WOW what a day, feeling so fulfilled & enjoying the recount here as the boat crew sleeps. Feeling the call to deep rest my self. Appreciating all that life has to continuously offer I shall lie down, breath deep & embrace dream time.
Awakening to another clear beautiful sunny morning, with a slight fresh breeze & a gentle rock from the waves. I love how the landscape changes so much as the sun hits it in different spots & different levels of intensity. This has been such a key to the evolution of my photography. For the exact same spot looks completely different in a photograph multiple times a day based on how the light is reflecting of that particular spot. At one time of day from one angle a beautiful spot can look bland, colorless & washed out, then from a different angle at a different time can be so full & radiant in color that it seems unreal in spectacularness. The angles & light are of the utmost importance in an uber gorgeous photo.
Last nights dream time was in complete contrast to the flow. I was taken on a journey of experiences of doubt, limitation, worry, lack, drama, & separation. Being unsure is such a common ailment, that does not exist in the now flow. For in the present there only is. There has to be ideas of the future, expectation & such for unsureness to exist. It Is so much more peaceful & fulfilling to embrace now for now, appreciating & enjoying what now has to offer just because it feels good. There is place for dreaming, vision, & goals though I feel letting go to attachment of them is very key an existence in the flow. To dream in the now for the sake of dreaming, to have goals now for the sake of motivation, to have vision now for the sake of inspiration but to then let go & be ok with what comes, with what is felt, with what is inspired in the now moments to come. It really is just silly to stress, exhaust, try or worry about an outcome or achievement of a specific future. It is of course OK to do this if that is important in ones process now though from this perspective it is silly indeed. For it is all ok, it is all part of it, whatever we feel we need to do now is what we feel we need to do now. Take stock, breath, consider & ask, why, for what, does this now really feel good?
We are going to sail again today to an island not to far away. Feeling complete in this area & ready to experience another paradise.
Another day at the ocean view office, pulling ropes, changing sails, giving the captain a message, catching fish, turning wheels this way & that. Bronzing has become a prime job at the office taking many hours of each day ;-)> We are now at the island getting ready for a dingy excursion. What treasures shall I find today?!!!!
Great beach excursion, collecting some beautiful treasures formed by the sea all unique masterpieces in their own. I so love collecting earths magnificent beauty abundantly provided. Its so cool how each beach seems to have its specialty. A certain shell or certain variety of shell, coral or whatever it is. Each beach seems to have 1 type of treasure that I love & I get to scavenge the beach looking for those specialties.
Quite a few more photo opps today though not nearly as many as yesterday. Some really dramatically epic shore lines & mountain sides here. With the setting sun the contrast was spectacular & I captured some of it to share, so thankful for the opportunity. Came back to the boat took a shower & started prep of another sunset feast on deck with a refreshing breeze & some rocking tunes. On the menu tonight was burrito buffet. Chipotle hash browns, black bean & scrambled eggs, fresh salsa, avocado, yellow bell pepper, sour cream & cabbage as lettuce. Feeling full & content as I write here in appreciation of the days bounty, pleasure & expansion. I am excited to look through today’s photos, relax & enjoy.
Last night was an amazing night on the water. The water was so still it felt as if the boat were on concrete. The water was like glass reflecting the stars and moon in crystal clarity. Every fish, bird & insect could be heard from great distance. It felt like a dream world where every aspect was enhanced & surreal as in a fairy tale. Normally the ocean is so overpowering with movement & noice that most other aspects are muted or completely drowned out by it. This was the first for me on this trip & it really blew me away. It is one of those epic moments that stand out with so much feeling that it holds this experience in my DNA for many moments to come. Its one of those moments that I just want to be able to share with everyone in the world & I feel as if I will burst from the energy of it. Or maybe only I can experience that particular moment is such great intensity just for me.
Nice leisurely sail back to Lapaz today where we docked in the harbor & I will depart in the morning back to the states via a very fast airplane. It is so funny to think that I have spent the last month sailing the seas & all that comes with it & in just a few hours I will travel further than all this time put together & be in a completely different reality based on a whole new set of principles. I do appreciate change, contrast & relativity though it is still quite a trip to fathom it all.
Have gotten so much sun on the last couple weeks of the trip. I so love the sun, its warming intencity bringing light & focus to its subjects. I feel about as tan as I have been in this body & quite love it. Was getting to the point to where I could spend 8 hours in the direct sun light without any form of protection & feel fine. I love how my body evolved to climates & living situations. My embrace of the moment & reality I am in makes it very easy to evolve to the situation when combined with communion with my body. I also love the medicinal effects of salt water. I felt it was quite healthy for my hair, loved brushing & washing my mouth with it & also a great use as a dish cleaner.
As the origin of this boat was Seattle WA, it is quite funny to think of the endless grey that my cousin goes back to on his return. Wet & almost always overcast this time of year. Quite a contrast indeed. I am already feeling a little sun withdrawals as it’s a bit cloudy today & I am in the airport not receiving any direct sun yet this day! Yet another opportunity to surrender & embrace my environment as it presents itself.
Enjoyed this last day yet again. More beautiful scenes to appreciate and translate through my photography which is becoming quite an amazing experience indeed. I feel as though my camera is a part of me now & everything that I see is scene so that all the beauty is amplified into a single frame of wonder & awe. I bring it everywhere with me feeling a part is missing without it. EXCITING!!!
Went to a dock party tonight on our pier. Sorta like a block party but instead of all the houses on the block getting together for food drink & conversation its all the boats on the dock bringing various appitizers, drinks & such to exchange, get to know & share with each other. Its quite a cook experience because there Is so much reality to be gleamed. So many people from many parts of the world some of whom have been sailing around the world for years, some of whom do only so for parts of the year & some who are just getting started. With all the variation there is still a very strong connection & that is through sailing. The community is very strong & supportive of each other. Lots of fishing, hot spot, weather, location, experience information sharing going on. Its nice to know there is this strong community of people living a life outdoors, out of the office, in the elements traveling as they please. Quite a range of folks from multi millionaires who drive huge motor boats that suck 80 plus gallons an hour of diesel to run & sailors who live out of their boat spending very little at all. Its hard to fathom someone boating around at 80 gallons an hour in fuel. That’s a few hundred dollars just to run the thing per hour not to mention that crazy amount of resources it uses.
There was plenty of food, lots of people excited to share in the adventures of past & more. Its pretty interesting to see how its so common for these people to rise at dawn & go to bed shortly after dark. The party was very lively with alcohol & conversation but by 7 everyone was gone! Hahaha back to their boats for a good nights sleep & another day of fun in the sun.
I love being in environments where people have common passions & loves. Its so nice to be in environments where people are connected, supportive & aware of each other. Its amazing in daily life how many people we pass without any sort of greeting or even acknowledgement. Think of all the people in traffic or walking down the street at lunch break. It all is what it is but its quite a contrast indeed. I have really appreciated community for quite some time now this is just another example of another strong community. What’s really interesting about this one is that they are also so so independent. For they all have their own boats, all are on their own schedule, & will eventually all set sail on their own again at some point. It seems like a lot of people making friends for their dock stays of a few weeks or months then on their way again. It’s an interesting balance of community & independence. Both are important in life & I appreciate them both equally.
Feeling complete for now, knowing that a nice summery of the journey is yet to come. Take rest on this night before a day of flying & airport containment. Breath in, Breath out, go with the flow.
Sitting at the airport observing the very contrasting reality of the airport life & life of nature. So few colors, contrasts, dimensions & beings of life. I scan the room for snapshots of beauty that I might capture with my camera & don’t find anything that calls or inspires me to shoot. Being in a close relationship with nature is so important for me. That is defiantly one of the most enjoyable aspects of living on a sail boat. The ocean & life from it is so untamed, molded, conformed, manipulated by man.
Contemplating the trip as a whole there is so much that I appreciate about this experience. So much about the life that I really enjoy & feel in alignment with. I do not feel that I am ready at this time to peruse the life of a sailor. Feeling complete with the experience, enhanced & evolved from it. So thankful for all the beauty that I shared in & the treasures that I found. I absolutely love the Sea Of Cortez & am already planning an adventure here within the coming year.
AHHH it is 11:11 my favorite time & yet another way to take deep appreciation for the synchronicity of the universe 7 the eternal abundance that exists! I am so thankful for the stream of opportunity that present them self’s to me & this one has been one of those. Another epic adventure or exploration of a very extreme part of the world holding space for many realities specifically existing there. There is so so much beauty to experience & explore I move in the flow from this one to another.
The power & vastness of the ocean is a great reminder of humility & surrender. Of how much force there is within the flow & that by riding that flow more energy than is needed or desired is available. I love how easy yet abundant life in the flow is.
Sitting in my 2nd airport of the day here in Guadalajara. I defiantly prefer the Mexican flight services, so relaxed & low key in comparison to international or American flights.
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE GAAADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDSSSSSSSSS I am back in the states & CNN is blaring. The last half hour they have been talking about how two people got into a dinner with the president & were not on the guest list! The same pictures & thing being said over and over and over. This is the most uncomfortable I have been since being sea sick ;-)> hahahahahahahhaah Breath in Breath out I have the choice to focus on any aspect of life that I choose. Meditation for the win!
Had a nice run through the airport with a backpack full of rocks from my treasure hunting. Nice & sweaty just making it to my gate in time to get on & find out my flight is delayed for an hour and a half hahahhaaahhahaha geez guess il sit here & not listen to CNN & commercials for an hour hahahahahahahah ahhhhhhhhhh life what a crazy RIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Arrived home.
I am so grateful to be able to experience such great adventure, beauty & expansion while also being so happy to be home. To have a place that is just to fantastic that I want to come back from such travels, trips, & experiences just to be here. Everything at a peaceful pace, in awareness from inspiration based on what is important & feels good to be right now!
Excited about the huge yam harvest awaiting me here. The greenhouse, shed, cob stove are projects that I am inspired to play with now that back. I am also very stoked to get my photo offerings up & available. Working on getting some prints made of my most epic photos of the trip, also making available a post card collection. I am very inspired by the reality of putting together the visual sound medicine, a compilation of pictures of indescribable beauty, put to activating/enhancing sounds of the ocean, rain, didgeridoo, Tibetan bowls, & other upgrading frequencies. Then making 5-10 minute slide shows to provide an experience of expansion, fulfillment & inspiration in highly potent sessions.
Enjoyed a crafting, cloths making session yesterday afternoon & night by the fire accompanied by wine, cheese/fruit plate, music, friends. Came out with some awesome creations & so much enjoyment. Going through, sorting, pricing & making available the new clothing for our boutique tonight! Some really special quality pieces that are just for the perfect person. I love the wide range yet unique style so many of the clothes have here. What fun! Will post some pics of the choice ones on my Facebook boutique photo album.
So present now with here, had the opportunity to share some stories with others since I have been back. It is fun to remember the experience & re experience it after process. There were so many WOW/OMG moments on the trip where it was just like ………………………………………………………….What can possibly be said for this moment. Words or even the need for definition or conversation about such pure undefinable experience. Such vast, extreme beauty. So many powerfully potent moments & epic experiences. So many photo opps where I would just be ogling over the scene like uber dank food after a many day fast. The gratefulness I feel for being able to experience them as they awaken, enhance & expand my existence as I know it. Feeling I may make a picture voice edited story of the adventure.
Sailing out to see and back again, glad I still have Beyond ;-)>
Infinite gratitude, unlimited inspiration, eternal change, NOW