Thursday, February 5, 2009

sustainable living

This is a post regarding FREEliving. A property I am nurturing for fully sustainable living activating the reality of FREEliving.
The aspects are that the essentials are provided for on the property (food, water, shelter) and everything else is sustained by some aspect of the property. So food water and shelter will be no cost aspects sustained by physical play on property. Extras like electricity, heating, gas, Internet, phone, car, gas, trips, and other play things will be payed for via property outlets. Pottery and blacksmith studios, agriculture assets, creative businesses, camps and retreats etc etc...
There will be no "need" for commute costs, uniform costs, working under guidelines, rules, specific times and other such things. Also living costs will be greatly reduced because it will be an efficient environment with all essentials already provided for.
Right now I have built a huge garden and cob dwellings. I am in the process of building my own solar panels and wind turbines. I have a web site that sells services and products all produced by me on this property. I haven't worked for someone in many many years and haven't had to do repetitive draining tasks in ages. With the right tools, knowledge, and people this is quite attainable in a short amount of time. I have only been really activating this property for about a year now and all the improvements have been minor or no cost. By reusing, recycling and living off abundant extras I have cultivated lots of sustainable spirals.

For the Garden I was able to prepare the land using all free materials and no heavy machines. Cob dwellings are an extreamly low cost building method and is far more efficient than almost all homes built that cost thousands. Plus it is easily built by a small group with almost no special tools. The solar panels and wind turbines I am building are quite low cost for what they provide also. For the house I am currently in I feel I need about 1kw of solar/wind flow. I can buy solar cells and put them together on my own for around $1,000. This will pay it self off in less than a year and will work for many many years. This is a wonderful investment of money and also a great way to get off the grid and support alternitive energy!

We as individuals and small communities must choose to take the weel. If we wait nothing will get done. All the technology is out there but it does not get implimtented because those in power want to stay in power.

I am also working on a hydrogen powered car. Meaning this car can run on 50% water! I have also heard of cars that can run on 100% hydrogen. There is no source more abundant that water. If we can power cars on it that means we can power generators on it and almost all things we use energy for. Water is free and abundant to everyone! This is how it can be! Free living, inspired living, enjoyment in moment to moment life!

I will post spacifics and details on individual topics as the days come! I will be doing camps, retreats, workshops and sustainable download sessions on this property.


Quinn Eaker

1 comment:

Katherine Clay said...

You know I'm all for it! Free living ftw! <3