Saturday, November 15, 2008


So this for now is my blog site. 
A place where I write things down that I want to share with others. For all those that I am in contact with and for those who are to be. 
These last couple days I have felt unsure. Unsure of taking the "right" path. Its funny because I know that there is no "right" path and that I can change paths at any moment. As I get involved in more creative and progressive endeavors I start to feel that efficiency is so key and even though there is no "right" path I still want to choose that path that is most beneficial to my "idea'! haha
extremely funny! It just gets funnier and funnier because I also know that its all part of it and that every moment is an opportunity for anything. Then it gets funnier because this is my favorite kind of humor and people might actually be reading this!
As I let go slip into presence where all there really IS, is now I am fulfilled. Efficiency is still important to me but long term plans ideas and attachments are no longer the focus of my mind but dust in the cool night wind.   

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