Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Infinite Potential

Children are capable from birth of dealing with large tasks and taking responsibility. It is the parents that are not used to allowing this. When a child is born it is pure potential and just because it cant feed it self doesn't mean it doesn't know what it wants or that it inst already taking on huge tasks. In fact being born is quite a task.
When you think you are in charge of a children decisions I highly recommend re considering that.
It is precisely this concept that separates me from most schooled children and many home schooled children. I always decided what was important and how I chose to go about doing that. I decided when to go to bed and when to get up, I decided when to brush my teeth and when not to. I decided if I wanted to spend the night at a friends and for how long it would be, I decided when I wanted to go to school or collage and what age I wanted to. I decided when I wanted to try alcohol, I decided when I wanted to try smoking, I decided when I wanted to have sex. I was constantly shouldering responsibility and making choices. This is why when I go over to a friends house the parents always tell my parents "your child is so helpful, or your child is so easy to have over" I was on month long vacations away from home by age 11. I was interested in cigarettes when I was 10. Me and my brother/sister would find old cigarette buts and pretend to smoke them. My mom decided that she would rather buy us a pack than have us picking up random smoked butts. I have not only not been addicted to cigarettes but have not been addicted to anything...besides air, food, and water.
It starts NOW and we are Capable NOW!


I always grew up having the same power of choice as my parents. I was always treated as though I was capable of all adult content and I have always been so. When I was 2 I had 16 year old friends when I was 12 I had 24 year old friends when I was 18 I had 40-60 year old friends and I could always interact with any age and any subject.
My brother was watching rated R movies at 4 years old. We haven't ever had a problem with drugs, alcohol, sex, violence or anything that parents are always trying to PROTECT there kids from. Capability responsibility and awareness of choice are the best protection in the world!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Disgustingly wonderful!

Yes I am feeling disgustingly wonderful today! hehe
While I know my feelings, thoughts and perspectives are totally justified I must ask my self what drum am I going to beat? What song am I going to listen to and or play?
One that feels good that I enjoy and is in alignment with whats important or what that is frustrating and angry?
Life is strange indeed. Contrast is so important indeed. One of the most important feelings to remember for me these days is that I don't need anyone else to be anything, think anything or do anything. That I think, do and feel what feels right for me based on me and that's it. If its not important for me alone and fulfilling for me alone then its probably worth reconsidering.
A very very very strange concept is that there is some part of me that wants to see stupidity and lack of capability in others. This must be so that I can feel smart and capable. Trying to let go of that hasn't seemed to help much. What feels like will help most is to just focus on abundance, well being and freedom in my life and allow the vortex of source to play in that with me.
Thank you mommy
Love Unlimited

Friday, March 27, 2009


I have amazing insights into sustainability. Ideas that could render my life and others free energy for all of life.
I am so angry because I have been trying to share these ideas with people and all they can do is come up with reasons why it wont work.
Yes this makes me more determined.....Maybe that is the divine beauty of it all. Yet I am still angry because people are not supportive and active in this process.
If my ideas become a success then yes I will be a genius and yes fuck them for being brainwashed drones.
If my ideas fail then fuck for me and everyone. For I believe that energy can be free and sustainable.....If I truly believe then there must be a way and all these non believers are only a test of my faith.....Actually I know there is a way the real question is, am I ready for it or not.
I say, yes I am!!!!......Is that just my justification or is that the conscious truth. I do not actually know. for again I say "Yes I am!!!" though experience will only tell.
One thing I know is this is a defining moment in my life. Whatever it is it will effect me in very influential ways.
For the sake of us all may I be on the path of sustainability.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Hey Everyone!
I'm super into composting atm. We as Americans have millions of tons of trash going into the landfill every year. Not only is it going into a landfill where it wont decompose because it is covered from the elements which facilitate composting but the amount of fuel and pollution created by the process is staggering. SOOO much of this trash can easily be composted. All leaves and yard scraps, all paper, cloth, food and so much more.
There are many levels one can take it to but any amount is an upgrade!
I have 12 compost bins going. All the bins I make out of old pallets that I collect for free or out of these huge sheets of super tough cardboard that I get for free from various companies. I just make 3 sided bins tied together with old wire, fabric ripped into strips, rope or numerous other spare free materials.
I then collect leaves, wood chips, grass clippings, manure and all of my food scraps and combine them in the bins. Then life starts to grow and the material gets decomposed and within 2 months I have super nutritional perfect dirt!
This is awesome for anyone who grows anything and for anyone who wants to do something with there compost able materials besides throw them away.
The most important factors are moisture and air. Without moisture and air there will be virtually no decomposition. So ideally the compost gets turned every 3-7 days. When it gets turned you add water and more nitrogen sources. Coffee grounds from coffee shops is a wonderful source, manure is a really abundant free source, grass clippings are a really accessible free optimal source, and food scraps.
So for the ideal set up you would be turning it every week to introduce air, water and new nitrogen. With this set up one could have a pile of leaves turn into perfect dirt in 2 months. One only needs to add about 1 part nitrogen to 30 part carbon (anything dead). Really though if the compost pile is hot (ideally 120-170f) it is doing its job and nothing needs to be done. This wont last long though without turning, wetting, and adding nitrogen.
As for food scraps one wants to be careful with meat, dairy, or any protein based product. As certain bacteria is produced and certain heat levels are required to break it down. Also it may attack certain rodents. However it is not dangerous if you are just to do it out in the back somewhere and not use it for a long period of time. Its only if you are wanting to use it within a couple months that you may want to choose not to introduce them to the pile.
One can also achieve nice dirt in a longer period of time without turning if one were to build a more aerated system. Say a 3 sided pallet structure with a pallet on the bottom or a tube with holes running through the center out into the air. Then one could just keep the pile moist with watering once a week and covering with plastic. This would keep it warmer, keep the moisture from evaporating to quickly and also allow plenty of air. This is a great system for anyone who doesn't really need the dirt but wants to compost instead of land fill.
I am doing lots of compost and am happy to facilitate the integration of it into our lives. Contact me for any info any time.