Thursday, April 2, 2009

To Each Our Own

I don't feel like you can "make any one fulfilled" I don't feel like it is something worth trying to do either.
I also don't think enforcement of rules such as bed times or brushing of teeth is a healthy abundant path. I think talking about aspects of life is healthy and that if parents go to bed at a certain time that respect for there sleep time is important. There is a big difference between saying this is when we go to bed and so you have to too and we are going to bed so being quiet is a given so as the sleep time is peaceful. There is a big difference between saying I enjoy getting up in the morning so I have a full bright day to get things done and saying if you don't get up in the morning you wont get anything done, its important and you have to. So this same philosophy applies to everything I think. This is how it is for me you choose how it is for you and we respect each others differences and help each other out with whats important for us. Support not babying. Respect not enforcement.

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