Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Full Spectrum Health

Full spectrum health,
The most important aspect of health is loving and freeing ones self to accept the state of being and the state of being one prefers. For me I do not feel healthy and am not fulfilled if I cannot climb any tree, if I cannot hike a mountain barefoot, if I cannot work all day in the sun. That is me and because I know that I facilitate that reality within my self. This then brings about many aspects of life that are intertwined with that level of health. At one point in my life I played a computer game for 12 hours + a day for 345 days of that year. I did not do much but sit. HAHHAHAHA not only was my physical demand completely different but also what my life style was like. The beauty if this is that not only was I completely fulfilled with my focus but I was also completely content with my physical condition. Was my skin more pale than it is now? Yes. Were my eyes sunk into my skull? Yes. Were my muscles as strong or as flexible? NO. This is so awesome because not only is that ok but its also healthy. I am now in a physically strong and active condition and the year of gaming did not affect me besides for that year when it was exactly what my life style dictated. I ate desert, drank coffee and smoked cigarettes and slept 5 hours a day. LMAO if you know me it doesn't seem to fit my profile. However my real profile is that I do whatever I want whenever I want and I know its all OK and that I can change in any moment. This is where the real power comes into play. For it is our mental focus that really dictates not only our health but our over all well being. Because I didn't feel guilty, shameful or like I was destroying my body every time I drank coffee, smoked cigarettes, or ate cookies, cake, pie and donuts it was then not but but just what it was. None of those things are bad they are just what they are. They do however have frequencies that are important to be aware of. Those consumptions were perfect for my life style but not for that of an athlete. I would not eat those things and then go lift weights, climb a mountain or spend all day in the sun. To me it is just complete disrespect and dishonor of my body. Being aware of my body and in communication with it is important. For my body always knows what it needs and its up to me to provide that. So because I am in constant awareness of my body I am able to do anything in moderation. I haven't been sick with even a cold in over 8 years. If for some reason I even feel like I may be week enough to pick up something I just start to fast, or eat all raw food or take some supplements. Because I can feel the constant state of my body I know when to much is to much or when to little is to little. The body is so amazing it can adapt, evolve and work with many many energies. Neglect, dislike, denial, and negative feelings are what cause states of unhealthiness. Until one can accept that 1. My body is capable of being healthy 2. I am responsible for my condition, not luck or my parents. 3. I want to be healthier. Then one can not get healthier.
It is so much healthier to eat a doughnut, love it and be thankful for it every day than to eat rice and spinach every day and eat 1 doughnut and feel guilty, shameful or that it is bad for you once a week.
There are things that I do every day as a natural part of my life that are done not "to be healthy" but because it is what feels good and it is just in alignment with health. Like stretching. I stretch many times a day, like breathing, I take deep focused breaths many many times a day. I eat spirulina and skip breakfasts and lunch almost every day. This is all easy for me because it feels good. I don't have to resist food because I know I can if I want an do so. I don't have to make my self stretch or work out because it feels good to do so and I enjoy its results. This is the ideal situation. This is why most diets and work out regimes fail after a few months. Because its WORK and god knows most people already work 100% TOO MUCH!
To me being in this body is Yoga and Life is meditation. Every step that I take I feel how my feet are on the ground and the surface beneath it, that is why I love being barefoot so much. When I sit or lay I feel how my muscles and bones are situated in my body and how the blood flow is affected. I do not get stiff from sitting or laying because I sit and lay consciously, I move, I stretch, I move. When I stand and talk to someone I am doing tree pose, when I walk in the grocery store I am feeling the weight transfer from foot to foot and the muscles that are used in the process. This is an awareness and relationship with the body that is a completely different level than having some plan or idea of what works or how it works. Because for us all its different and for each of us it changes based on what we are doing, interested in or focusing on.
There are so many answers out there, so many solutions, so many paths of abundance and well being. When one pays attention and focuses on this rather than on the problem, the situation, the source, the symptoms, etc etc one begins to be healthy.
The most important physical aspects of health for me are.
1. Water. I only drink crystal water or real spring water. I refuse to buy water in plastic and also do not care to spend money on water so I choose a really really good water filter and then completely restructure, activate, and enhance the water that I drink. I fill glass jugs with this clean slate water that is dead but at least very clean and then put crystal combination's in it and leave it in the sun and the moon. I play crystal bowls and didj for my water and enjoy it. This is the most important physical element for me. Our bodies are mostly all water when healthy. The reality is that tap water is just about the least conducive to life that people put in there bodies. Filtered water may not be poison but it is dead and empty. The body cant digest or absorb food right without living water. The body cant hydrate right without living water (this means dry skin, wrinkly skin, gray hair, bad eyesight, tight/stiff muscles, easily tired, easily sunburned, body cant detox and more. So basically without being well hydrated you are dying slowly. The body cannot hydrate on the water most people drink.
2. Fasting. Fasting is when I really became in touch with being healthy. Fasting is the path that I became aware of my body's inner workings and developed a relationship with it of respect and gratitude. I realized how much food I really needed and how my body deals with foods. I realized what substances are ideal for my body and which ones aren't. I realized which substances combine well and which ones dont. I actually started to feel exactly what was taking place as I consumed substances. I became aware of my reserves and of my immune system. I sometimes lick floors at parties to demonstrate a strong immune system HAHA
The reality is that for disease and sickness to be possible the body has to have a proper climate for them to flourish. When the climate is not popper for such things it just cant happen. Its really as easy as that. Its just like banana trees cant grow outside in North Dakota. You don't have to keep them from growing or fight them they just wont grow.
Aging is a disease. The body has the capability to regenerate it self perpetually. No one has to take advantage of this if you want to age, enjoy it or don't have desire for something else. However it is what it is. It is possible to be healthy for ever.

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