Friday, May 15, 2009

Ability Developement

It is amazing how much one learns from osmosis and observation. This can be a wonderful benefit and skill as well as a burden and downfall. This is all the more reason as a family to allow free choice and support of what is important to the individual. Being part of an environment that is abundant and connected.
When I was little my mom didn't make or make me feel like I should or needed to ever say thank you. Nor call her mam or other such things. I was however naturally thankful and we could share that. I was naturally respectful and it was not because of a discussion on respect.
When I would go to other kids houses the parents would tell my mom oh your son is so polite and helpful. I always new that saying thank you and please and nice things made other parents feel respected and appreciated. So I would. Just because in my house my mom didn't need me to do those things for us to feel them didn't mean I didn't understand and be able to apply the techniques out side of our house. That is real learning and understanding. When its something that can be used and understood in any situation. Not based on a formula or a specific factor but an awareness or ability.
This is the beauty of observing and learning based on an inner process vs one of an outside influence dictating the learning process.
Either whats important to me is naturally my gift or I am able to learn so I easily learn about what is interesting and apply that skill and understanding into a lucrative event. Either way its good and that is why I am such a big fan of freedom and support of what is interesting.
Do what you Love, Love what you DO.

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