Thursday, May 7, 2009

Ever Present Now

We are all capable of anything at any moment.
Being present, present, present....Being alive and present of abundance, freedom, forgiveness.
Accomplishment, success, riches, greatness is worth very little to me unless it is just the outcome of doing what feels fulfilling, engaging, inspiring now.
I have been lost in accomplishment, I have been consumed in greatness. The eternal combination of possibilities, the gift of contrast.
I know nothing, I feel everything. The answer of no answer, here now.
This is almost what makes goals, tasks, projects, ideas worth striving for. For in the everything and nothing nothing really matters and I am everything......The reality of separation, time, space, and limit makes possible such games. Without these beliefs, truths, laws......they would not be possible.
Balance....Balance in separation. Balance in dreams, ideas, ideals.....That balance is realized when I am aware and choosing anew now...Free to let go, no matter how much matter is built up in the reality....TO choose anew, fresh and alive...because it is inspiring now.....
Everything important is provided & abundant. I am fulfilled now.....Everything else is bonus.

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