Friday, May 1, 2009


Getting my bee hives tonight for next step in integrated sustainability!!
Not only do they provide honey and beeswax they also pollinate the plants!
A lot like unschooling. Provide an abundant environment for them and let them do there thing! Thriving is a natural state of being!
Letting go to abundance and allowing every beings natural ability to do what they do best is beautiful indeed! =D> <3

Beekeeping is a great investment. Im just getting started and will post info on blog and other networks as it goes along. Little work and great payoff. Can be done in country or farm, city or suburb. Garden or no garden its great for our environment and our taste buds! =D>

Here are a few books that I recommend to get some info and inspiration for getting started! If you like any of them buy them through the link in my blog as I get a lil commission out of it =D>

How To Start Beekeeping Start Beekeeping NOW!

Self Sufficient life beekeeping and more! Self Sufficient Integration NOW!

Barefoot Beekeeper! I like that name =D> Barefoot Beekeeping!

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